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EV's need gas too - Tow with a Tesla?

Had to laugh when a buddy sent me this pic.

Here's a Tesla on the side of the road somewhere, 2 gennys cranked, to charge his car so he can continue. And a big bucket of gas sitting there. Wow, isn't this fun?

Of course, we all know how environmentally friendly our generators are...:R

I wonder how long he sat there charging until he could go again...

2007 GMC 3500 dually ext. cab 4X4 LBZ Dmax/Allison - 2007 Pacific Coachworks Tango 306RLSS
RV Rebuild Website - Site launched Aug 22, 2021 -

Huntindog wrote:
Green got this far by insinuating that these costs would be paid for by someone else.
As the true costs are being discovered, it's support is dropping.
Now you are just making stuff up. If you really think support for what you call "green" is dropping, you need to change your TV channel. Regardless, cost is just one factor in the transition from fossil fuels. Or maybe you think we can continue to use ICEs as we are now....:S

BobsYourUncle wrote:
free radical wrote:
BobsYourUncle wrote:
Had to laugh ...

Every Tesla has a comp that display range remaining.
Maybe the driver ignored that !?
Or maybe its just another fake photoshop to throw dirt at Tesla from our regular Tesla haters.


Well, a few here thought I was taking a shot at Teslas. Not at all actually. I had a ride in one about 8 years ago and I was impressed, really impressed with it. If I could afford one I would buy it. They are a very quiet, smooth riding car, and the acceleration power is astounding. But I wouldn't try dragging my 32 foot TT with it though. That's what my black smoke belching diesel dually is for.
The picture could be fake, photoshopped, whatever, who knows. I posted it in all good humor, like everything else in my life I do. I laugh at others and I laugh at my own misfortunes too. Life is good 🙂

I just happened to see irony in a green car on the roadside burning fossil fuels to power itself. Nothing more was intended than that.
Too many people read things into a post that simply are not there.
OK guys? :):) Smile a bit! :B
There is a lot more irony to it.
Most of the electricity used to charge EVs comes from fossil fuels.... Europe is now going back to coal, because the have to.
Electricity is going to sky rocket beacuse green energy must be backed up with conventional power plants... So on order to have a reliable energy system, we will need to have two systems... The cost of this will be paid for by someone...Look in the mirror to see who will pay.

Green got this far by insinuating that these costs would be paid for by someone else.
As the true costs are being discovered, it's support is dropping.
100% boondocking
2021 Grand Design Momentum 398M
2 bathrooms, no waiting
104 gal grey, 104 black,158 fresh
FullBodyPaint, 3,8Kaxles, DiscBrakes
17.5LRH commercial tires
1860watts solar,800 AH Battleborn batterys
2020 Silverado HighCountry CC DA 4X4 DRW

free radical wrote:
BobsYourUncle wrote:
Had to laugh ...

Every Tesla has a comp that display range remaining.
Maybe the driver ignored that !?
Or maybe its just another fake photoshop to throw dirt at Tesla from our regular Tesla haters.


Well, a few here thought I was taking a shot at Teslas. Not at all actually. I had a ride in one about 8 years ago and I was impressed, really impressed with it. If I could afford one I would buy it. They are a very quiet, smooth riding car, and the acceleration power is astounding. But I wouldn't try dragging my 32 foot TT with it though. That's what my black smoke belching diesel dually is for.
The picture could be fake, photoshopped, whatever, who knows. I posted it in all good humor, like everything else in my life I do. I laugh at others and I laugh at my own misfortunes too. Life is good 🙂

I just happened to see irony in a green car on the roadside burning fossil fuels to power itself. Nothing more was intended than that.
Too many people read things into a post that simply are not there.
OK guys? :):) Smile a bit! :B
2007 GMC 3500 dually ext. cab 4X4 LBZ Dmax/Allison - 2007 Pacific Coachworks Tango 306RLSS
RV Rebuild Website - Site launched Aug 22, 2021 -

BobsYourUncle wrote:
Had to laugh when a buddy sent me this pic.

Here's a Tesla on the side of the road somewhere, 2 gennys cranked, to charge his car so he can continue. And a big bucket of gas sitting there. Wow, isn't this fun?

Of course, we all know how environmentally friendly our generators are...:R

I wonder how long he sat there charging until he could go again...

Every Tesla has a comp that display range remaining.
Maybe the driver ignored that !?
Or maybe its just another fake photoshop to throw dirt at Tesla from our regular Tesla haters.


Latner wrote:
way2roll wrote:
mkirsch wrote:
toedtoes wrote:

These "generator recharging the electric car proves the technology will never ever succeed" memes are getting tiresome.

Agreed. Fill up in an ICE you have a limited rage. Run out of gas you're stuck. Fill up an EV you have limited rage, run out of electric you're stuck.

There is no difference.

I always have 5 gallons of fuel in the back of the truck so I'll never be "stuck".

If you're in the middle of nowhere, and need that 5 gallons, how far can it take you? . . . far enough to the next station?? For sure?? So, there is a 'situation' where you could indeed -- be stuck!
. . . never confuse education with intelligence, nor motion with progress

way2roll wrote:
mkirsch wrote:
toedtoes wrote:

These "generator recharging the electric car proves the technology will never ever succeed" memes are getting tiresome.

Agreed. Fill up in an ICE you have a limited rage. Run out of gas you're stuck. Fill up an EV you have limited rage, run out of electric you're stuck.

There is no difference.

I always have 5 gallons of fuel in the back of the truck so I'll never be "stuck".

Explorer II
Explorer II
mkirsch wrote:
Misjudging the remaining range when the needle is on "E" is not exclusive to electric vehicles, I'm afraid.

"Just put in fuel and go" can take HOURS waiting for someone to bring you some, especially if you don't happen to have roadside assistance.

In the meantime this fellow, or fellette, was able to start addressing the situation themselves immediately. By the time roadside assistance would have showed up, it's charged enough to make it to the next rest stop and charging station. 20 minutes later, they're back on the road.

Worst case scenario vs. worst case scenario. Fair is fair.

Keep that smug expression on your face long enough, it will stick that way.

I mean... in the same exact scenario, the 7 gallons of fuel would go straight into the fuel tank immediately.
2015 Ram CTD
2015 Jayco 29QBS

covered wagon wrote:
He just needs to attach a platform to the back of the trailer for the gens to run and charge while going down the road. Be sure the cord doesn't get damaged, is long enough in tight turning radius.

I saw a pic with a smokey diesel generator on a trailer being towed by a Tesla the other day. The price of batteries is another trade off as well.

That won’t work. You can’t charge and drive at the same time. None of the charge formats allow for it. J1772 would be the relevant protocol for a generator sceenario and it definitely doesn’t work.

That pic of the Tesla hauling around a diesel generator is a spoof. There would also be no reason to do it.

He just needs to attach a platform to the back of the trailer for the gens to run and charge while going down the road. Be sure the cord doesn't get damaged, is long enough in tight turning radius.

I saw a pic with a smokey diesel generator on a trailer being towed by a Tesla the other day. The price of batteries is another trade off as well.

Thermoguy wrote:
way2roll wrote:
Ignoring the snarkiness of the original post, I wonder if there is an opportunity to develop an emergency rapid charge battery pack for RSA's in cases like this. The more EV's that get on the road, the more we will see running out of range issues. I envision one of those large battery packs like they use for jump starts etc, sort of like a quick charger for your phone only sized for an EV. Or even EV to EV charging. I can share power with someone else's phone if they need it, why couldn't the same principal be leveraged for EV's? Someone assists an EV out of power and juices them enough to get to a station without the need of a gas generator. Battery to battery. Foldable emergency solar panel? Just spitballing.. but I smell an opportunity. You invent a portable emergency charging method for EV's and cash would fall over itself to get in your wallet.

Actually someone has already developed that for emergency towing companies. They have something like a super charger that can charge fast enough juice for a vehicle to get to a charging station. I'm sure not every towing company has one, but they are available.

Yah. It’s a modular CCS or Chademo unit. The units are stackable and 2 kw each. Most AAA type outfits are going with 7 kw total as the head unit is 1 kw. So 7 kw in about 12 to 15 minutes. There are various pictures out there. Not sure how popular they are.

Explorer II
Explorer II
way2roll wrote:
Ignoring the snarkiness of the original post, I wonder if there is an opportunity to develop an emergency rapid charge battery pack for RSA's in cases like this. The more EV's that get on the road, the more we will see running out of range issues. I envision one of those large battery packs like they use for jump starts etc, sort of like a quick charger for your phone only sized for an EV. Or even EV to EV charging. I can share power with someone else's phone if they need it, why couldn't the same principal be leveraged for EV's? Someone assists an EV out of power and juices them enough to get to a station without the need of a gas generator. Battery to battery. Foldable emergency solar panel? Just spitballing.. but I smell an opportunity. You invent a portable emergency charging method for EV's and cash would fall over itself to get in your wallet.

Actually someone has already developed that for emergency towing companies. They have something like a super charger that can charge fast enough juice for a vehicle to get to a charging station. I'm sure not every towing company has one, but they are available.

BobsYourUncle wrote:
mkirsch wrote:

Keep that smug expression on your face long enough, it will stick that way.

Smug look? No, I was smiling 🙂 I guess you didn't see the irony of it the way I did! :B Think about it...

Same here , I did see the irony, but it seems most don't . Some seem to think you have wronged them. Regardless of their motive for EV's we are a ways off from getting away from fossil fuels .

PButler96 wrote:
Reisender wrote:

Yah. Hard to say on the tongue weight of the trailer without knowing the model.

It's either a R195 or R196, both similar on weights and specs.

Hitch @ 360 without gas or battery per R pod, most likely higher.
Cargo @1160
UVW @3600 (factory scale sticker on one seen on RV trader calls it 3762)
GVWR call it @ 4922 (5K axle)

The Tesla owner evidently does not belong to the RVnet weight police auxiliary.

We briefly looked at them before we settled on the T@b but the only floor plan we kinda like was too heavy on the hitch for our car. I also didn’t like the roof air, the outboard tire fenders and the height. Just wasn’t the right fit. Ours is quite a bit more aerodynamic. AC is in the basement etc. Good fit. We are under all the weight limits of the car.

toedtoes wrote:
I also think there are two different types of people buying Teslas.

The first are the "greenies". They want an electric vehicle and to not use fossil fuels. These folks are NOT parked on the side of the road charging their Teslas with generators - period.

The second group are those who buy a Tesla because they are "first adopters", "technophiles", or "image people". They are not concerned about being "green" but about having the newest, latest, big name, fad, etc. They WILL happily charge their Tesla from a generator because they don't care about not using fossil fuels - and they see nothing hypocritical about it.

To judge the first group as hypocrites based on the actions of the second group is unfair.

There was a poll on Reddit a month or so ago asking people the reason they chose an EV. The most popular reason: Lower total cost of ownership. The second most popular: more fun to drive. The potential environmental benefit came in last place. For many people it's seen as a nice secondary benefit, but insufficient in itself. True greenies advocate for removal of personal cars from the transportation system entirely.

As for the photo, I'd guess they're using the trailer for lunch or something and running the roof air (thus having the trailer plugged into the pair of gennies) and charging the car as something they can do with the excess to add a tiny bit of range in the meantime. Charging on 110V, you don't get much.
2021 Four Winds 26B on Chevy 4500