As an owner of an 04 Lance with the Genercrap LP generator, I feel your pain. My experience with the 3400 High Impact hasn't been a good one. I had a hard time finding a good certified tech worth his salt during the warranty period and today, the unit has long been discontinued.
While convenient for short runs, if I need air conditioning for the night, I might as well camp next to a refill station. I almost come out ahead getting a Passport America or a Fed/State/City&County park with E/W and dump station. With the "geezer" pass, a C.O.E. park is cheaper when a/c is needed. Knowing what I know now, I would've gone with a couple of Honda 2000s or Yammies. Although a third fuel source is inconvenient, gas stations are a lot easier to find than LP refill stations. On a regional basis, gas is comparably priced. Whereas LP varies widely across town and heaven forbid, you get into an area with just one LP station.
I concur with the idea of dropping the Genercrap for storage space and using the Honda. I think it would be an overall savings in repairs, long run fuel cost, and about 100 lbs in weight. Good luck.
RVn Full-time