IB853347201 wrote:
Camping world sells after market AC covers,,,
A plastic shroud to replace what is on there costs about $200 and that's way more than I am willing to go on this. This is a $1,200 trailer. (This shroud is not for my unit but it's an example, but even half this cost is too much. https://www.campingworld.com/shroud-for-mini-mach-61890.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjw2efrBRD3ARIsAEnt0ehiUOTfNLSM0z-3YGZ4hPsaQRbXmB-UWHnornOASbUDDlrEkmNtWqQaAoOrEALw_wcB)
Now, the one below is just a vinyl cover with draw string at bottom and I assume this would go OVER the plastic shroud. Do you think this would work at all. I would tell any potential buyer what it is. I can't imagine a buyer wanting to travel around in this. I would assume they would just buy it like I did for a permanent deer camp trailer. So, seems to me the vinyl shroud could serve the purpose of keeping dust and rain out. What you think? I also saw a sheet of galvanized steel at Home Depot that was almost large enough but not quite and it was only $12. If I found one like that just a few inches wider, I was thinking we could just cover the top of it to keep rain out, just screw it into the a/c unit somehow.
Pretty much any material could work because this is just a cheap, po-boy fix for an old trailer... plastic, steel, aluminum, etc. (The trailer IS in pretty good shape for being 40 years old.) Hmmm... might could even cut a piece of vinyl flooring to top it with. Open to suggestions, don't want to spend much!