Apr-24-2016 03:01 PM
Apr-25-2016 09:08 PM
Apr-25-2016 03:57 PM
SpeakEasy wrote:
Hello all, from a first-time post-er.
We've just made the leap up to a small TT after 16 years as popupers. Our new-to-us rig claims to have nitrogen-filled tires. Sounds fine to me. But as an obsessive tire-pressure-checker, I'm wondering how I'm going to keep my tires at the proper pressure. If I add compressed air am I going to compromise the nitrogen? Are there ways a person can add nitrogen instead of compressed air?
(I'll have more questions too.)
Apr-25-2016 02:54 PM
SpeakEasy wrote:Dick_B wrote:
Gosh! it seems like what a couple of weeks since we had a nitrogen in the tires post?
For previous posts search this Forum for `tires' then search the results for `nitrogen'. The answer must be there.
Thanks for the welcome, Dick. As I said, it's my first post. I just discovered this forum, and I just discovered by reading my rig's documentation that there were such a thing as nitrogen tires. It seemed like a cool idea to ask you folks about it, since it was something new to me.
I'll be sure to do my research before asking from now on.
Sorry to have troubled you.
Apr-25-2016 02:32 PM
Apr-25-2016 02:05 PM
Apr-25-2016 01:06 PM
Apr-25-2016 12:56 PM
Jayco-noslide wrote:Please tell me more, I need a few laughs today. :B
Using nitrogen in the 1st place seems unnecessary and come close to being a myth or fraud. Air should work fine.
Apr-25-2016 12:37 PM
Apr-24-2016 06:58 PM
WNYBob wrote:
HI from another WNYer! Dunn Tire uses nitrogen locally. What RV do you have? You might want up date your profile.
Apr-24-2016 06:52 PM
Apr-24-2016 06:47 PM
Apr-24-2016 06:42 PM
gbopp wrote:
Welcome to the forum. Yes, you can carry a bottle of nitrogen to fill the tires.
But, as you now know, it's a waste of money. Get a good portable air compressor to quench your obsession. 🙂
Enjoy your travels and, don't hesitate to ask questions on the forum.
Apr-24-2016 06:39 PM
3oaks wrote:Enjoy your travels and, don't hesitate to ask questions on the forum.Yes, and as you spend more time on this forum, you find some very helpful replies and to ignore obnoxious posts. 😉
Apr-24-2016 06:37 PM
Dick_B wrote:
Gosh! it seems like what a couple of weeks since we had a nitrogen in the tires post?
For previous posts search this Forum for `tires' then search the results for `nitrogen'. The answer must be there.