Jun-18-2018 01:39 PM
Jun-21-2018 06:58 AM
Jun-20-2018 04:21 PM
Jun-19-2018 06:57 PM
Jun-19-2018 12:55 PM
rbpru wrote:
We drove all over the AZ desert for a month, cold nights and hot days. the truck/trailer combo did what it was supposed to do.
Jun-19-2018 07:57 AM
GrandpaKip wrote:
I live in the mountains where you are headed and temps are in the 80’s.
If you are concerned with I40 East of here, I would just leave as early as possible.
I just came back from Lake Hartwell where it was in the 90’s. According to the TPMS, temp never got over 100.
We’ve gone up and down both Saluda Grade, Black Mountain and Hwy 25 many times with our horribly, undersized, puny truck pulling our just plain awful, held together with staples and spit TT at 55 with nary a problem. Usually, we have to do one of the three to go anywhere.
With your description, you should be fine. Come to our mountains, enjoy, spend lots of money.
Jun-19-2018 07:53 AM
Jun-19-2018 05:12 AM
Jun-18-2018 08:45 PM
azdryheat wrote:
One thing I've noticed towing in the AZ summers is my temp gauge never moves. I guess it pays to have a healthy and strong TV.
Jun-18-2018 07:19 PM
Jun-18-2018 07:12 PM
Jun-18-2018 06:30 PM
falconbrother wrote:
I have never overheated. Temps are always in the normal range. I need to go up Black Mountain on Wednesday. I plan to run about 45 MPH up the mountain at about 3000 RPMs. Should be fine. My Suburban is an older one but very well maintained. I just replaced all the belts. Transmission serviced about 4 months ago. Fresh oil change. Hoses look good. Tires in good shape. Rear end rebuilt about 16 months ago. Fresh brakes. Just adjusted those GM parking brakes, lubed.. It's in as good of shape as I know how to make it. Since this is the first time we have climbed the mountain with it I'm a bit nervous. The 5.3 Burb isn't the strongest. I will have to keep the RPMs up. My brother tows up Black Mountain all the time with his Tundra and says there's nothing to it. His trailer is a shade lighter and he has the iforce 5.7 liter. I'm 5800 dry and my tanks will be empty. My tow weight limit is 7200. I have the tow package and I added additional transmission cooling which seems to work really well.
Jun-18-2018 06:16 PM
colliehauler wrote:
The only thing I worry about is trailer tire failure in that kind of heat. The asphalt will probably be around 130 add that to the heat generated by the tires. If the tires are marginal it could be a issue. In extremely hot weather I've gone so far as traveling during the night. Easier on the equipment and more pleasant for the passengers. Roads are usually less crowded as well.
Jun-18-2018 06:09 PM
Jun-18-2018 05:43 PM