Mar-30-2018 11:48 AM
Apr-02-2018 09:53 PM
Mar-31-2018 10:46 AM
AlabamaTraveler wrote:
We purchased our 2017 Rockwood TT last June. After our last trip of the year (Nov} I parked it with plans to winterize at a later date. Due to health issues and two operations. it was never winterized in any way. We had one of the coldest seasons in years. Several nights we had 8 degrees. Many weeks below 32. Last week I connected water for the first time expecting some real problems. We had no frozen lines at all. We just got home from 7 days of camping. We had no water issues. I love my Rockwood.
Mar-31-2018 08:10 AM
Mar-31-2018 04:16 AM
westend wrote:pianotuna wrote:
Copper can be frozen approximately 7 times. Each time the walls get thinner. Finally they burst.77rollalong wrote:
i would not have gotten away with that, our motorhome is copper lines, and it got to 20 below for a few days.....should by a lottery ticket too
Don, I think that rule of 7 can be subverted. I've seen brand new copper pipe burst in the first night of a really cold snap. The cases I've seen of burst lines typically occurs at fittings, adjacent to them, and at bends that hold water.
FWIW, I often see anecdotal blow out procedures on this Forum where owners limit air pressure to 30-40 PSI. IMO, that's way to low to remove all the water in even a small system. One has to be cognisant about the transfer of energy of compressed gas moving that slug of water through a pipe and fixture, though. It is possible that a slug of pressurized air and water breaks a fitting or breaks a valve.
Mar-31-2018 03:50 AM
AlabamaTraveler wrote:
We purchased our 2017 Rockwood TT last June. After our last trip of the year (Nov} I parked it with plans to winterize at a later date. Due to health issues and two operations. it was never winterized in any way. We had one of the coldest seasons in years. Several nights we had 8 degrees. Many weeks below 32. Last week I connected water for the first time expecting some real problems. We had no frozen lines at all. We just got home from 7 days of camping. We had no water issues. I love my Rockwood.
Mar-30-2018 08:37 PM
pianotuna wrote:
Copper can be frozen approximately 7 times. Each time the walls get thinner. Finally they burst.77rollalong wrote:
i would not have gotten away with that, our motorhome is copper lines, and it got to 20 below for a few days.....should by a lottery ticket too
Mar-30-2018 07:06 PM
Mar-30-2018 06:43 PM
77rollalong wrote:
i would not have gotten away with that, our motorhome is copper lines, and it got to 20 below for a few days.....should by a lottery ticket too
Mar-30-2018 05:20 PM
Mar-30-2018 05:06 PM
soren wrote:
I...failed to see a half-gallon GLASS jar of saurkraut tucked into the back of a cabinet. ... but it was just fine.
Mar-30-2018 03:56 PM
Mar-30-2018 02:20 PM
Mar-30-2018 02:05 PM
soren wrote:
I pulled a similar stunt, last winter. I did the anti-freeze properly, but failed to see a half-gallon GLASS jar of saurkraut tucked into the back of a cabinet. There is no logical reason that the jar made it through the winter, since it was well below freezing, many, many nights, but it was just fine.
Mar-30-2018 01:49 PM
Larry-D wrote:
I wish I had your luck. Last fall, emptied tanks, drained lines, blew out lines with air and poured RV anitfreeze down drains. So far this year had to replace the kitchen faucet, my bad not opening the valves, outside shower even though I drained it at the shower and the toilet valve. We hate the taste of the RV antifreeze but I guess next year we'll break down and use it.