Sep-05-2005 02:18 PM
Mar-20-2024 06:12 AM
Morning FOOFs
We took a weekend getaway two weekends ago. There is a new place called Canopy Oaks near Lake Whales Florida. Well, not exactly new, but has only been open a couple of years. We really like it but they might be pricing us out. The sites are big and spaced out nicely. We just went for the weekend but it was really expensive. I am hoping it's just because of snowbird season but it costs us double of what we paid when we went last May. They have a few really good/big dog parks and have restaurants and a Tiki bar right onsite. Only negative is there is really nothing around there to do. We didn't even tow our Jeep with us as the store and food onsite was good. Going to try and go back for a long weekend this summer. It's only about a hour and 40 minute drive from our house and it's all back roads so not much traffic.
We had a dramatic weekend as it was time to cut the dogs toe nails. I have to put a mussel on Monty as he turns from a sweet boy into a lunatic when you try to cut his nails. We got through it. ZuZu and Pinto let you cut their nails and it doesn't bother them.
Hope everyone is doing well. Would be nice to hear from some of you.
Mar-23-2024 06:22 AM
My sister has a small hound mix under 20 pounds. He screams like a banshee getting his nails trimmed. They take him to the vet and one time they gave up on him. They didn't have enough people available to hold him down. LOL One time I was at my vets and I could hear a puppy screaming like he was being murdered. Yep, just trying to trim his nails. I don't trim my boy's nails. . . maybe he does the same thing! LOL
Mar-07-2024 05:10 AM
We are staying at a place in Key Largo. I was having a hard time finding a place that would allow 3 dogs. Everyplace had a 2 dog limit and it was non negotiable. No exceptions on all the places I contacted. The place in Key Largo said they would consider a 3rd dog if it was small. I called them and they said no problem for our 3 dogs. I lucked out as someone had just canceled and I have a place right on the water. It's a pull in site so our big window on the Class A will be looking out at the ocean. Since I am not going all the way to Key West, it cuts 2 hours off the trip. I haven't had a week off in over a year so the wife and I are really looking forward to it.
Feb-28-2024 07:09 AM
Morning FOOFs
I sure am looking forward to warmer weather. It has been usually cool in West Central Florida. It is supposed to finally get up in the upper 70s today. ZuZu had two baby teeth removed on Friday. They just weren't coming out and there was starting to get a tarter buildup between the baby tooth and the adult tooth. We are using a new vet now and have been very happy so far. I am probably going to keep taking the boys to our old vet. Monty will be 14 in June and Pinto will be 13 next month. They both are in great shape and look great.
No RV trips planned anytime soon. Our next trip will be in May to the Keys. Looking forward to getting a week off work.
Mar-01-2024 09:28 AM
I need to plan a trip to the Keys some time. But my calendar is getting pretty full. As I am transitioning more to becoming a "loner," I am finding solace in camping. . . which has always been my happy place. I joined the Florida Fun Seekers, an FMCA club mostly (but not all) made up of people in my community. They have been very welcoming and fun to be with.
I think it's a good idea keeping your elderly boys to the vet they have known all this time. Change can be hard on them.
I am ready for a warmup as well, Burch. I am more comfortable in the heat than in the cold.
Feb-14-2024 09:37 AM
I'm still here, Metalgator, even though this new format is utterly infuriating. Someone so failed the KISS principle...
We've not been RV traveling for a long time now, since Spousal Unit was diagnosed with Stage 4 prostate cancer that metastasized into his spine. He has such difficult getting into/out of the Class A that we're going to sell it, after we get a couple things fixed.
He's thinking a Class B would work; I'm thinking I don't want to pay more for a vehicle than my house mortgage. We'll consider options after the Class A is finally sold and gone.
Meanwhile, Czarny is not Spotacus -- he is most definitely not a traveling cat. Can't even handle being in a kennel, so our travel options are limited, unless we can get an in-home cat sitter.
On the subject of this thread, I really miss Dixie Flyer. Between his stories and the long-lost thread on the Defenders of the Light (featuring General Gretchen and at least two of my cats), I thoroughly enjoyed being here.
Feb-24-2024 03:11 AM
Hey Wanderlost, this is Dotldaddy, Gen. Gretchen's dad. Gretchen was the successor to Gen. Missy, the original co-leader of the DOTL along with Gen. Jax. All three are long gone over the bridge, but their exploits in saving the world from darkness and evil will live on forever. We need them desperately now, as the dark forces have been building steadily. . . .
Walter & Garland - Camp Canine caretakers
Miss Inga (aka "Shorty") - 10 y.o. old GSD.
Gen. Gretchen - Joined Rainbow Div., June 27, 2017 at age 13
Gen. Missy - Joined Rainbow Div., June 11,2006 at age 12
2018 Montana HC305RL 5th wheel
2018 Silverado HD 6.0L
Feb-13-2024 04:18 PM
I feel like I am talking to myself! I hope people are still reading.
Took a motorhome trip for Super Bowl weekend. Went to Margaritaville Rv resort in Auburndale. Very nice place but very $$$. Probably won't go back but we had a good time. We rented a golf cart and ZuZu loved riding on it. Every time she would see someone she would start wagging her tail and getting excited. She just loves everyone. The other two dogs did well too but are getting older and are happy just being with us on the motorhome (she they can get their naps)!
Hope people are still reading and would love to hear from people.
Apr-12-2024 05:59 AM
Good morning
Burch glad you are still keeping this thread going.
i have not been on here for awhile. I tried several times and was unsuccessful of getting on.
we haven’t been doing to much traveling. Between medical issues and places being booked solid it is hard.
We have not made any trips since Pickles went to the bridge last summer. We sure do miss her.
Richards birthday is coming up here shortly April 23rd. I am sure he is glad that this post is still going.
We really miss the Rally’s it always was a great chance to see everyone.
Apr-12-2024 06:21 AM
I think of Pickles often since we got our Pomeranian ZuZu. She is definitely a princess (at least she thinks she is). She is a sweetheart but when she wants attention, you better give it to her or she will let you know. She can bark a lot when she's not happy.
Feb-13-2024 08:46 PM
Hi MetalGator you are not talking to yourself, I read whenever there is s notification but don't search this forum like I did the other one. I don't read anything but this thread. Before I read a bunch and learned a lot. I have been pondering since your last post, our motor home is the same age with the same tires. It got us talking replacing the tires before we go very far. We didn't go to Florida this year, we usually take 2 horses 2 dogs and escape the Indiana weather for a few weeks. This year we decided to stay home and save $$, which sounded good till we thought about new tires.
Thankfully the weather in southern Indiana hasn't been very bad, and my husband actually took early retirement so we hope to travel more this year. So far only 2 trips planned one close to home and we will ride in Shawnee National Forest in May.
We have a side by side (very handy on farm) I would love to replace with a golf cart for the dogs. If you ever need a stop over place just North of Louisville, KY just let me know.
Feb-02-2024 06:34 AM
Been really quiet on here. I hope everyone is doing OK. I have to get the motorhome ready for a trip next weekend. I am still debating on whether or not to get new tires installed this year. Tires are almost 7 years old but the motorhome has always been stored indoors when not in use. My mind tells me I should replace them but my wallet says to wait another year!
ZuZu went to the new vet on Saturday. I was out of town so my wife took her. She really liked to new vet so I am thinking about taking my other two dogs there when it's time for their yearly appointments. ZuZu is very fat now so I need to give her some exercise. She kept hurting her legs but I haven't seen her limping in several weeks so she is going to get a workout!
Jan-24-2024 08:15 AM
Our little Pomeranian ZuZu is getting her 1st yearly checkup on Saturday. She was due for her vet visit back around Christmas but every time we try and schedule an appointment, it seems the vet office is closed. We finally got an appointment for her and then the vets office canceled due to weather. It was basically just a rainy day. The wife has been wanting to try another vet that is closer to us so she got an appointment for ZuZu this coming up Saturday at a new vets office. I will continue to take my two boys (Pinto and Monty) to our current vet until something happens to them. I really like my current vet but they have gotten so expensive. I had to stop purchasing the heart guard pills from them because the vet's office had them marked up 50% over what I could get them for online. I don't mind paying a premium to support my local vet but when you have 3 dogs, this gets to be very expensive. The last straw was they gave us some samples of the medication for Monty to try for his anxiety when traveling, and they charged us for the samples they had gotten for free. For 3 dogs for their annual now costs us almost $2000. I am going to need to get pet insurance!
Monty just had his 13 1/2 birthday. He is still so hansom and gets along great. His little sister Lola has been gone now for 14 months and I still miss her everyday. Pinto is doing well and will be turning 13 in March. ZuZu is crazy and wants attention ALL the time. But she is the sweetest dog I have ever been around and has never met a stranger. She just loves every dog, person or other animal. She doesn't have a mean bone in her body.
Jan-24-2024 08:02 AM
When we purchased our motorhome in 2017, we had to order it as they had stopped making 2017s and were starting to make 2018s. The MRSP of our motorhome was $172,000 but we got about 32% off that price. The same model now in 2024 the MRSP is $260,000 and the show prices were only giving about 20% off. Some diesel pushers were marked down over %30 percent but the markup from just a few years ago was crazy.
Jan-23-2024 05:24 AM
Good Morning FOOFs
We went to the big RV show this weekend at the Florida State fairgrounds in Tampa. Every year I go, I feel lucky that we bought our Motorhome when we did. I could definately not afford a new one now. They had big mark downs on Class A motorhomes, however they are much more expense now than when I bought ours 6 years ago. I talked to a salesman and he said they were having to discount them more because of the high interest rates. My wife and I found a diesel pusher that we really liked but I am not going to pay that kind of money. Our Motorhome is within 2 years of being paid off so I am not going to get in debt again. It's still fun to walk around and look at all the stuff I can't afford. We always make a weekend out of it We stayed across the street from the fairgrounds at the Hard Rock Casino and Hotel. My wife gets 3 free rooms a month because of the points she keeps on her players card.
I hope more of the group is able to figure out the new site.