โSep-05-2005 02:18 PM
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โSep-20-2007 07:20 PM
โSep-20-2007 04:38 PM
Ron & Shirley wrote:
Will you be going to Moorehead City? If so don't miss going to Tony's Sanitary Fish Market and Restaurant. In case you haven't heard of it it has quite a reputation. Very famous place. It was opened in 1938 I believe. Excellent seafood restaurant!! Ronnie's Aunt Mildred Denham who happens to be 95 lives in the Havelock/New Bern area and it is her favorite place to eat. Gee I wish I was going with you! I have only been to that part of the Country one time in early 2002 and it was so beautiful.
I hope Sue gets to feeling better.
Have a great trip!
โSep-20-2007 04:19 PM
โSep-20-2007 02:43 PM
โSep-20-2007 02:37 PM
LizFM wrote:
My mixed breed has a very touchy digestive system, and frequently has loose to downright runny stools. I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it, but canned pumpkin is a lifesaver. Rommie loves it (well, pretty much Anything that is or might be food). She weighs around 50 pounds and a cup or cup and a half of canned pumpkin will usually do the trick. I feed it in place of her regular meals for a meal or two.
This is NO replacement for a vet visit but if there's nothing wrong besides just something "not agreeing" with them, and until you can *get* to the vet, it is a lifesaver!!
I'm much more comfortable giving them pumpkin than some human medication.
โSep-20-2007 02:35 PM
โSep-20-2007 02:32 PM
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โSep-20-2007 08:53 AM