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A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}

Explorer II
Explorer II
Went camping this weekend at a campground on the lake, had not been there for a few years. Once there I began to walk around looking at the different sites when I noticed a very old dog. He just lay there until I got too close then he got up on three legs and hobbled away. Just judging I would say he is at least 11 years old. Well back to my story. The next afternoon he wanders into camp and just sits there looking. He looked so sad, so the wife got a bowl of our dog's food and put it down for him and he came over and ate. He then walked over to our dog and the two of them sniffed each other over and then they lay down together for the rest of the afternoon. That night he disappeared.
The next morning he was back and was a little more receptive of me. I looked at his injured leg and found that half of his rear foot was gone. It had healed and was not causing any problem except that he was walking on the stub that was left with no foot pad which causes him to limp. His front teeth were gone except for one canine tooth and it looked decayed. His eyes were tired looking and showing his age. He spent the rest of the day just laying around looking for a handout and by afternoon the campground host came around and saw him. I enquired about the dog and was told he had been there for three years and that most of the campers were tolerant of him and gave him food.
So what to do? Do you pick him up and bring him home or do you let nature take it course. He can't harm anyone, he has no teeth and he isn't a nuisance unless you don't like dogs, and no one seems to mind him being there. He is gentle and likes other animals as seen by his interaction with our dog. He still would not let me touch him but he would eat from my hand. Enough said, what would you do???

On June 28th 2008 Old Fella passed away of complications caused by bone cancer. Fella spent almost three years with his new family and became the icon of rescued old stray dogs. He will be greatly missed but his foot prints have been left in our hearts forever.

Now Charlie, the ten year old rescued Golden Lab has come to be a part of the continuing Old Fella story. (*Note, Charlie took his journey to Rainbow Bridge unexpectedly September 30, 2008)Suzie continues to charm her way into our hearts with her antics as she has grown from a puppy into a young lady. Togther they will carry on the Old Fella legacy. Come join us in their daily lives and be a part of the best feel good thread in RV.NET history. The legacy lives on.

HIghways Article Puppy Love

Old Fella Burke County Animal Rescue
2016 Ford F250 King Ranch Crew Cab 6.7 Power Stroke
2015 Montana Model 3611 with 4400 Pullrite Hitch.

Wife Sue
Pets: Rainbow Bridge: Bart, Old Fella, Levi, Charlie, Mama, Hobo, Izzie, Peaches. Others Suzie, Dixie.

Old Fella Burke County Animal Rescue
32,302 REPLIES 32,302

CA POPPY wrote:
I have been wondering myself, if Joint Strong ought to be kept refrigerated between usages? A can of it is lasting a long time with our two very small dogs, and I don't know if it could possibly turn bad and upset stomachs? Maybe Mama's dose could be lowered? It does seem to have helped our tiny Poquita with her arthritis pain.

Almost all medications have storage instructions and expiration dates listed. Usually storage is "keep in a cool dry place" - an unoccupied RV is probably not a good place (we do keep aspirin, etc. in ours though). The expiration dates are VERY conservative estimates by the mfg usually based on pretty thorough testing. But, they have an interest in having things expire early, they sell more.

Doug & Sandy
Winnie 6 1/2 year old golden
2008 Southwind 2009 Honda CRV

I have been wondering myself, if Joint Strong ought to be kept refrigerated between usages? A can of it is lasting a long time with our two very small dogs, and I don't know if it could possibly turn bad and upset stomachs? Maybe Mama's dose could be lowered? It does seem to have helped our tiny Poquita with her arthritis pain.
Judy & Bud (Judy usually the one talking here)
Darcy the Min Pin
2004 Pleasure-Way Excel TD
California poppies in the background

Hoops wrote:
Also sorry to hear about Snoopy's medical problems. Didn't realize they could get heartworms if on the meds, wow.

They really shouldn't. The HUGE majority of reasons for a break is human error (missed doses, incorrect doses, not really making sure the animal has actually taken the medication). There are increasing incidents of counterfeit medications out there too.

I know Merial (makers of heartgard) will pay for treatment if you can prove you purchased the proper dose and amount of medication and had previous testing.

Doug, DVM
Doug & Sandy
Winnie 6 1/2 year old golden
2008 Southwind 2009 Honda CRV

I forgot - will also be praying for your friend, Richard - left it out of the Snoopy post.

Barb and the 4 chocolates

Richard, sorry to hear about your friend, will put him in my prayers. Also sorry to hear about Snoopy's medical problems. Didn't realize they could get heartworms if on the meds, wow.

Rascal looks like a cutie. Makes me wonder how family can treat a parent, grandparents pet so bad, knowing how much that parent or etc loved the dog. Makes me wonder about people.

Good news about the county working with Old Fella animal shelter. Maybe there will be less abandoned animals now.

Everyone take care and have a good day.
The Hoops. ED and Becky
Missy our little Bichon
2004 F350 V10
2005 Jayco Legacy 38RDQS

Explorer II
Explorer II
vickiebec wrote:
My thoughts go out to your friend that lost his house. My friend in Virginia lost her house in January to fire. She got out with her dog and herself lost everything even her cat. She is now moving to Greenville, SC to be near her daughters. She said when one door closes another one opens.

Tommy is dealing with insurance companies this morning, so when I get back from catching puppies I will ride out there to see if I can offer any help. Sue has made a big pot roast that I am sure he won't turn down for supper.
2016 Ford F250 King Ranch Crew Cab 6.7 Power Stroke
2015 Montana Model 3611 with 4400 Pullrite Hitch.

Wife Sue
Pets: Rainbow Bridge: Bart, Old Fella, Levi, Charlie, Mama, Hobo, Izzie, Peaches. Others Suzie, Dixie.

Old Fella Burke County Animal Rescue

My thoughts go out to your friend that lost his house. My friend in Virginia lost her house in January to fire. She got out with her dog and herself lost everything even her cat. She is now moving to Greenville, SC to be near her daughters. She said when one door closes another one opens.
Vickie Wallis
Roseville, CA
2010 Mini Cooper Convertable

I had a friend whose dog came back positive after years of being on heartguard. The good news is the treatment worked and was less serious than expected as they are doing it a little better now days with fewer side effects. This was an older dog and he did OK.

Prayers for Snoppy

Barb and the 4 chocolates

Explorer II
Explorer II
nonameperson wrote:
good morning all I have good news and badnews.

We took Lady and Snoopy to the vet yesterday for their shots and blood work and Snoopys blood came back positive for heartworm. He has been on sentinel since we have had him and has always tested negative. What a shock, he weighs almot 30 pounds which is way too much for a beagle. We are still in shock, and I have been teary eyed ever since. the vet has the paper work showing Snoopy has been on sentinel all this time he ishoping the company will pay for his treatment. He drew 2 vials of blood to send off to labs . I am devastated.

our resued female beagle has 5 very fat black puppies and we figure they are part lab. they should make very lovable friends for kids.

the shelters around here said they are all full and could we givethem a foster home, well we have been fostering Lucy for 2 or more months. She is a good mother to the puppies.

Ya all have a great time at the rally in Ohio, wish we could go, but we are working at the campground, and I am not sure I would want to travel with 3 dogs and 5 puppies lol

God Bless

Sorry to hear about the heartworms, but it is treatable, but costly. Sorry we haven't been able to travel to Modoc for a camping trip. Maybe sometime in July or August we might be able to come for a weekend. Take care of Wally and yourself and all the fur babies.
2016 Ford F250 King Ranch Crew Cab 6.7 Power Stroke
2015 Montana Model 3611 with 4400 Pullrite Hitch.

Wife Sue
Pets: Rainbow Bridge: Bart, Old Fella, Levi, Charlie, Mama, Hobo, Izzie, Peaches. Others Suzie, Dixie.

Old Fella Burke County Animal Rescue

good morning all I have good news and badnews.

We took Lady and Snoopy to the vet yesterday for their shots and blood work and Snoopys blood came back positive for heartworm. He has been on sentinel since we have had him and has always tested negative. What a shock, he weighs almot 30 pounds which is way too much for a beagle. We are still in shock, and I have been teary eyed ever since. the vet has the paper work showing Snoopy has been on sentinel all this time he ishoping the company will pay for his treatment. He drew 2 vials of blood to send off to labs . I am devastated.

our resued female beagle has 5 very fat black puppies and we figure they are part lab. they should make very lovable friends for kids.

the shelters around here said they are all full and could we givethem a foster home, well we have been fostering Lucy for 2 or more months. She is a good mother to the puppies.

Ya all have a great time at the rally in Ohio, wish we could go, but we are working at the campground, and I am not sure I would want to travel with 3 dogs and 5 puppies lol

God Bless

Explorer II
Explorer II
Jodi Pope, one of our volunteers just emailed me with Rascal's story and here it is straight from Jodi:

This is the story I got:
Rascal's elderly owner went into a nursing home. When she left, her grandson put Rascal in a crate in the yard. He was never allowed out. A neighbor went to the grandson and asked if she could have Rascal. He agreed. She kept him for 2 weeks but realized that she had too many already and knew he would make someone a wonderful pet, so she called us. Rascal is a sweetie...a perfect lap dog.
2016 Ford F250 King Ranch Crew Cab 6.7 Power Stroke
2015 Montana Model 3611 with 4400 Pullrite Hitch.

Wife Sue
Pets: Rainbow Bridge: Bart, Old Fella, Levi, Charlie, Mama, Hobo, Izzie, Peaches. Others Suzie, Dixie.

Old Fella Burke County Animal Rescue

Explorer II
Explorer II
dogdiva wrote:
Will Mama chew on any goodie???? Did you ck her teeth for a sore tooth??
Vet had me give Elizabeth some Pepcid to settle her tummy and then she would eat little bites of goodies but it was 19 days of force feeding before she finally ate
Is Mama drinking water???
Please keep us posted

Mama is drinking lots of water, which is her style. Her teeth seem to be okay, but a lot like Fella's front teeth where the tooth is worn down to the root canal from old age not broken like Fella's teeth were. Last night her stomach was growling and I got up during the night to let her out to see if she needed to go poop. She just sat on the porch looking at me through the storm door as if asking "Why am I here?"

This morning she ate most of her food without the Joint Strong, I am going to see if that may be the cause of her upset stomach. Its hard to figure that Joint Strong is causing this because she has been on it for a long time without any problems, but at this point you have to try everything you can think of.

The puppy whose picture I posted is cute and I will have to find out his story so I can post it for you. The Old Fella Burke County Animal Rescue has gotten so large it is hard to keep up with everything. Vicki Richardson and I went out in the county to rescue some puppies yesterday and managed to bring back two. There are six more that we will try to bring back today.

Now for some good news. The Burke County Commissioners are now working with us to help bring a solution to the care of the stray animals of Burke County. Last night at the County Commissioners meeting Old Fella was giving a place in the budget for future needs with long range plans to help with a shelter. President Bruce Storm is going to work on a proposal with the County that will allow them to contract with Old Fella with the rescue mission.

What a blessing to now see the beginnings of a working relationship with County Government to bring aid to the animals of Burke County! Old Fella, you have to be smiling and wagging your tail as you look down from Rainbow Bridge.

We have received orders for eleven bricks so far from folks on the forum. I can see people from different places coming to Waynesboro some day to see the brick they placed at the Old Fella memorial. Sue and I will purchase two bricks today, one for Levi and one for Old Fella so that will make it thirteen. Come on folks add your name to the list of names to the Memorial Walkway so you can make the trip here someday to see you place in history with the Old Fella Story.

Now for some sad news. A good friend and member of the Old Fella Burke County Animal Rescue Tommy Faircloth, lost all of his possessions yesterday in a house fire. All he has left is the clothes on his back and his two dogs that he loves dearly. Sue and I went out to see him yesterday and Tommy was still his old cheerful self. Standing looking at the ashes of what was once his home he said,"Now I can start over and get some new furniture and some new clothes."

His church people were there helping him relocate and by yesterday afternoon he had a place to stay with a fenced back yard for his two dogs. The Red Cross people were there helping and some folks had gone to Wal-Mart to buy him some clothes and other things he would need. He was provided with a place to have his meals and so far he is doing well in spite of everything. Tommy is such a positive person and a great friend, you just have to love him once you have met him and see what a wonderful soul God has poured into his small body. Pray for Tommy in the days ahead that his needs will continue to be met.
2016 Ford F250 King Ranch Crew Cab 6.7 Power Stroke
2015 Montana Model 3611 with 4400 Pullrite Hitch.

Wife Sue
Pets: Rainbow Bridge: Bart, Old Fella, Levi, Charlie, Mama, Hobo, Izzie, Peaches. Others Suzie, Dixie.

Old Fella Burke County Animal Rescue

Will Mama chew on any goodie???? Did you ck her teeth for a sore tooth??
Vet had me give Elizabeth some Pepcid to settle her tummy and then she would eat little bites of goodies but it was 19 days of force feeding before she finally ate
Is Mama drinking water???
Please keep us posted
Elizabeth and Henry..... rescues

Crickett, Beau, Lady, Dixie, Batman, Penny, Bonnie Colleen, SouiX C, George, Willie, Pierre, Shandi. Honey, Patches ,Gumby...WAITING at the Rainbow Bridge

Oh, what a cute little dog, Richard! If he was here I might have to adopt another dog. He'll go fast.

Congratulations on another milestone.
Rascal is pretty cute, he should be a good candidate for placement. What is "the rest of the story" our inquiring minds need to know (sorry no spell check on this one)
Show me the GRILL and STAND BACK!!!!