We just bought a new Kz Durango Gold G384FLT, heavy but well built trailer, solid draws with metal slide's not the cheap plastic junk. Large frame lots of storage under the unit and a two year warranty ...
Featured 5th wheel this month Trail Life stated MSRP was $79 an change. We bought ours for around $62K and from what I am seeing on the web that's the average price an ours has all the upgrades you can get except a generator, we opted out since we already have a Honda 6.5 ...
None of that cheap plastic hardware even thought Trailer Life review on this 5th wheel this month stated that they wished there would have been an upgrade of hardware in the bathroom ares. I do not know what they were looking at because ours has all brushed stainless faucets both on the sink and shower an so do two of are friends that bought the same trailer ...
We have looked at a number of upper end units from 60k to 100k and we both agreed that Kz gave us a better bang for the buck than the one's costing 70 or 80k or more.
We are not ones to look at the fancy stuff, we look how the trailer is built, will there be problems, sure, but so far Kz has stood behind their product 150 percent ...
As well it's all about your dealer, ours has been great and stands behind everything they sell.
Another reason we bought this unit is because as many people know going to an RV show an walking though TT, MH, 5th wheels after a couple of days they tend to start to fall apart. Molding falling down, loose cabinet doors, broken drawer knobs etc, our Kz G384FLT had none of that after 4 days of people walking thought it, yes we bought the show model an that why ...
Now think about it, open up your TT, MH or 5th wheel and let a few hundred walk thought it, opening an slam doors, pull on everything possible an see how it holds up ...
Safe travels