Jan-15-2019 05:42 AM
Jan-27-2019 05:57 AM
Jan-19-2019 02:13 PM
Jan-19-2019 10:58 AM
Jan-19-2019 09:02 AM
frizfreleng wrote:hussbuss wrote:
For what its worth, make sure you check the production dates on those Maxxis tires before you mount them. I ordered a set a year ago and they were over 3 years old when shipped to my dealer. I refused to accept them and sent them back. They have a lot of old stock they are trying to get rid of. Per my dealer, no warrant the minute you drive away. Good luck and don't scrimp on good tires.
Good point I had forgotten. So what is the oldest date code you would accept when buying new tires? Haven't looked at tire warranties yet. Are they warrantied by the manufacturer of the dealer? Pretty sleazy if the warranty period is from date of manufacture.
Jan-19-2019 08:20 AM
Jan-19-2019 08:01 AM
hussbuss wrote:
For what its worth, make sure you check the production dates on those Maxxis tires before you mount them. I ordered a set a year ago and they were over 3 years old when shipped to my dealer. I refused to accept them and sent them back. They have a lot of old stock they are trying to get rid of. Per my dealer, no warrant the minute you drive away. Good luck and don't scrimp on good tires.
Jan-19-2019 06:49 AM
Jan-19-2019 05:34 AM
Thanks Jerry/goducks10 for the feedback. My analysis was quantitative. Your feedbacks were qualitative albeit worth looking into. Will take your comments and do more research. Interesting spec: the Goodyears (highest prices of those I compared) had 28% less tread depth than the Trailer King.
Jan-18-2019 07:13 PM
Jan-18-2019 02:22 PM
Cummins12V98 wrote:
Without digging into tire specs I simply go with ya get what ya pay for and my personal experiences.
Jan-18-2019 02:02 PM
Jan-18-2019 11:03 AM
frizfreleng wrote:
"Tread depth is irrelevant as tire wear rate is far more important along with the fact you will never wear them out within the time they naturally expire."
Thank you for the feedback. Curious as to what you base the "irrelevant" statement on? The 10 tires manufacturers specs I looked at, maybe 10 specs per tire, all list "Tread Depth". None have a spec about wear rate although I would like to see that quantified. Possibly there are too many variables involved to make it a metric: tire pressure, load, speed, weather, surface driven on, etc.
Jan-18-2019 10:35 AM
Jan-16-2019 08:16 AM
MFL wrote:
Agree with goducks10, the cheapest is not always the best choice. Going to an E rated tire not necessary either. A newer type 205 to 225 75R 15D is all you need. IMO, 3 main choices...Provider ST, Carlisle HD, or GY Endurance, all better built, with higher speed rating, due to cooler running temps, and more quality construction. I run the Providers, and like them. They are a quality build, at a reasonable price. You can see, read about them at E-trailer, and order from them too.