Dec-24-2013 08:17 AM
Dec-24-2013 06:10 PM
Dec-24-2013 03:55 PM
USAF Retired
Pace Arrow
Dec-24-2013 01:03 PM
BTPO1 wrote:
I agree with what has been said above, but one thing has been left out. Once every thing has been cut out or disconnected you should always check for voltage on the device that you are working on. It only takes a fraction of a second to kill you if the right conditions exist. JMO
Dec-24-2013 10:43 AM
Dec-24-2013 09:15 AM
USAF Retired
Pace Arrow
Dec-24-2013 09:12 AM
Dec-24-2013 09:01 AM
bycrackey wrote:rgatijnet1 wrote:dan-nickie wrote:
I would say unplug the RV ande turn generator off to be sure.
And turn off the inverter, which is still going to produce 120 volt power from the batteries.
Switching off the main breaker does turn off power to that breaker BUT, you have to remove the panel cover to pull the breaker. Once you pull the cover off of the panel, even with the main breaker turned off, there is still points that you can touch that have power. Better to stop power from getting into the panel than to trust that you will not touch anything that is hot with your hand or screw driver.
what points? are still live in the main panel once the 50amp main is turned off?I have never seen any 50 amp MH service that has power lines that bypass the input breaker.Not saying they don't but I have never seen one wired this way?
the only thing I could add would be shut off the "out" breakers to inverter if u have such a thing.My unit has breakers in and breakers out.
Dec-24-2013 08:50 AM
rgatijnet1 wrote:dan-nickie wrote:
I would say unplug the RV ande turn generator off to be sure.
And turn off the inverter, which is still going to produce 120 volt power from the batteries.
Switching off the main breaker does turn off power to that breaker BUT, you have to remove the panel cover to pull the breaker. Once you pull the cover off of the panel, even with the main breaker turned off, there is still points that you can touch that have power. Better to stop power from getting into the panel than to trust that you will not touch anything that is hot with your hand or screw driver.
Dec-24-2013 08:35 AM
dan-nickie wrote:
I would say unplug the RV ande turn generator off to be sure.
Dec-24-2013 08:32 AM
revump wrote:
I have an 06 Alfa SeeYa. I am going to change #7 double throw in the left panel. It says that it is for the roof AC and Comp #2, but it also shuts off the charging cycle when it trips. It trips when we are on the generator or dry camping and we run the microwave or put anything heavy on the circuit. We are on shore power now. What do I need to shut off when I pull this circuit breaker?
Dec-24-2013 08:24 AM