This is a caution to others that are ordering, and a recommendation to Filter Barn to change their business practices.
I ordered four filters, 2 each of FS1015 and FS1022, Fleetguard’s. These both have three year shelf lives.
Good price, and prompt well packaged shipment and delivery. However:
-FS1022 – Had year codes of 2013, with high Julian Dates (later in the year). So this was good.
-FS1015 – Had year codes 2004, with lower Julian Dates. So these were just under 6 years expired, per Fleetguard’s Three Year Shelf Life. This was bad.
(Note: Shelf lives vary between different kinds of filters, and filtration materials. 3 years on this product.)
I called Filter Barn, asked about the age of the filters. The gent was polite, and said they would ship two replacement filters, and to go ahead and salvage the first two.
Two new filters arrived with a 2011 Julian Date 127 - so these are not expired, but have a remaining shelf life of about four months.
I'll keep these for our spares, though I frankly am not pleased with filters that have less than four months of shelf life, and will cycle these out this year.
To Filter Barn:
I recommend that if you sell filters that are expired, per the manufacturer’s guidelines, that you should identify them as 'New/Expired Stock' - and discount price them accordingly. (While I’d personally not purchase Expired Stock, others may wish to do so.)
I recommend that if you are providing filters with less than 1 year shelf life, that you should identify them as 'New/Limited Life Stock' - and price these accordingly.
This posting is done in a positive nature as a caution to those that are shopping for filters, and as a recommendation to Filter Barn on being more forthright on the stock that they are selling. I wish them only the best, and this is not done to be vindictive – but I feel it is wrong to sell Expired Stock without identifying it up front as being so.
I sure understand that many will not have a problem with using older/expired filters. I do, and the manufacturers have ‘Shelf Life’ for a reason. So I’ve shared my opinion, and it is OK if others feel differently.
Be safe, have fun, best to all,