Jan-23-2018 05:45 AM
Jan-26-2018 09:11 PM
Jan-26-2018 05:36 PM
Jan-25-2018 06:54 PM
Jan-25-2018 07:38 AM
Jan-25-2018 06:06 AM
fortytwo wrote:
I have 3 of the portable one burner Induction systems.
Jan-24-2018 11:28 PM
Jan-24-2018 06:15 PM
Jan-24-2018 06:05 AM
pianotuna wrote:
Have you actually measured the consumption? My NuWave on the highest possible setting draws 1300 watts or about 12 amps. However run times are not terribly long--so possibly it might use 30 amp-hours per day.Blaster Man wrote:
Same for the Induction cook top, it uses more than the refer, but is much better and safer than propane.
Jan-24-2018 05:29 AM
Jan-24-2018 05:19 AM
Jan-23-2018 03:32 PM
Jan-23-2018 01:11 PM
Jan-23-2018 12:08 PM
old guy wrote:
as an old firefighter, open flame bad. induction stove good. I like the new induction stoves. I bet that many people who have had kitchen fires wish they had them years ago. one thing you did not mention is the fact that all the coaches with induction stoves have no ovens. they rely on the convection microwaves
Jan-23-2018 11:56 AM
old guy wrote:
one thing you did not mention is the fact that all the coaches with induction stoves have no ovens. they rely on the convection microwaves