Aug-24-2017 05:37 PM
Aug-28-2017 06:20 AM
Aug-28-2017 06:14 AM
Aug-27-2017 06:50 PM
wa8yxm wrote:
I don't bother but the ball would be my 1st choice if I did.
Aug-26-2017 01:38 PM
Aug-26-2017 09:25 AM
Aug-25-2017 11:43 AM
SidecarFlip wrote:It did pretty well removing the scum:Mile High wrote:
I'm new to this, but the Mothers cleaner and polish did a nice job.
So long as they are in good shape to begin with. You have to 'stay after' them. You let them go and Mothers won't do much. Mothers is for keeping the shine, not restoring a dull wheel.
Like seals on an RV, you have to maintain them, same with aluminum wheels.
More to RV'ing that going camping.
Aug-25-2017 08:15 AM
Mile High wrote:
I'm new to this, but the Mothers cleaner and polish did a nice job.
Aug-25-2017 07:45 AM
Aug-25-2017 07:24 AM
Aug-25-2017 06:44 AM
Aug-25-2017 05:44 AM
Aug-25-2017 05:08 AM
aboeck3 wrote:
I have Accuride (un-coated) wheels. What does anyone use to polish them. There is so many aluminum polishes on the market, is one any better than another? Does anyone use the Mequires ball?
Aug-25-2017 04:55 AM
SidecarFlip wrote:
I replied sure, 75 bucks a wheel and the owner told me at 75 bucks, he would keep me busy polishing wheels as much as I wanted to.
Aug-24-2017 08:09 PM