Aug-13-2015 08:43 AM
Aug-18-2015 05:07 PM
Aug-15-2015 03:42 PM
mikestock wrote:
On follow up. The glove covering the AAV elininated the smell. I may try another brand to see if I can get better results. The original was an Oatey brand and the new one I am trying is a Studor. I may try one more to see if I can get satisfactory results.
I really don't want to cut a hole through the roof. What I may do is add a 1-1/2" PVC valve in line with the AAV and only open the valve when using the washing machine. Whatever it takes, that smell has got to go.
Aug-15-2015 01:43 PM
Aug-14-2015 05:30 PM
wildmanbaker wrote:
Mike, you may have a problem with you drain plumbing. It could be a crack in a length wise seem, a bad joint, or broken pipe. Check in your basement area where the holding tanks are located, to see if you can find anything obvious, such as water marks, smells. We had a length wise split in the kitchen drain line under the floor, that only showed up when the gray holding tank was full, or very near full. Apparently it would splash up into the area where the split was and cause the smell in the MH when traveling.
Aug-14-2015 05:10 PM
Aug-13-2015 08:33 PM
Aug-13-2015 04:20 PM
Aug-13-2015 02:10 PM
TucsonJim wrote:
If your AAV is working, you should not get any odors from it what-so-ever. Before going to all the effort to reroute the vent, I'd spend the money for one more AAV. I'd suggest this one:
Studor Mini-Vent
I replaced a defective AAV in our rig with one of these, and it has worked flawlessly.
I would not risk cutting a wire in the roof. It would be very difficult to repair if you did.
On my old trailer, when I had an issue with one of those valves, I simply put a plastic bag over it and used a rubber band to secure it to the pipe. For me, it was a test to see if it really was the valve that was letting an odor in. If, after a day or two, you still smell something,
Aug-13-2015 01:56 PM
Aug-13-2015 01:37 PM
Aug-13-2015 12:14 PM
Aug-13-2015 08:54 AM