Nov-07-2013 04:22 PM
Nov-08-2013 02:19 PM
smlranger wrote:Jim Cindy wrote:The Texan wrote:
RV Fog Doctor is not to far from you and has a good reputation. The best though is Suncoast Window Designers in Hudson FL, if you are going to get down that way....
Do you or anyone on the forum have an idea what the cost is to have windows repaire at Suncoast. Thanks, Jim
Jim, I am having 4 of my windows done at Suncoast on December 9 -10. I will report back on pricing.
Nov-08-2013 12:51 PM
Nov-08-2013 12:31 PM
Jim Cindy wrote:The Texan wrote:
RV Fog Doctor is not to far from you and has a good reputation. The best though is Suncoast Window Designers in Hudson FL, if you are going to get down that way....
Do you or anyone on the forum have an idea what the cost is to have windows repaire at Suncoast. Thanks, Jim
Nov-08-2013 10:26 AM
Pass42 wrote:No, but if they are, there is a very small upcharge for "new" glass to replace the etched pane.
Were any of your windows etched on the inside???? I understand that sometimes that is an issue, preventing just doing the resealing........
Bob & Betsy - USN Aviation Ret'd '78 & LEO Ret'd '03 & "Oath Keeper Forever"
Nov-08-2013 10:20 AM
Nov-08-2013 10:05 AM
Bob & Betsy - USN Aviation Ret'd '78 & LEO Ret'd '03 & "Oath Keeper Forever"
Nov-08-2013 09:55 AM
The Texan wrote:
RV Fog Doctor is not to far from you and has a good reputation. The best though is Suncoast Window Designers in Hudson FL, if you are going to get down that way....
Nov-08-2013 09:14 AM
Nov-08-2013 06:20 AM
tiffinboy wrote:MountainAir05 wrote:
I did all my a few years back. To figure out the space size just scrape or cut the window glaze back. I use the one that slides. Once you get a small area clean you can measure the space between the panes. Back then a 66 foot roll cost around $60 and the sealant that seals the spacer was right at $10 per windows. Takes just about one tube per window. I have 8 windows so had two rolls of spacer with a lot left over and one tube of sealant per window. The first one took a day to take out clean and repair and put back in. After that two per day easy. Cheaper that the several hundreds per window. Pm me if you need any more info.
how do u vacuum seal the unit(what factory does) once its clean so u don't get condensation??
Nov-07-2013 06:34 PM
Jim Cindy wrote:
How do you keep moisture out of the air that is between the panes to prevent fogging or condensation during temperature changes.
Nov-07-2013 06:30 PM
Nov-07-2013 06:28 PM
Nov-07-2013 06:16 PM
tiffinboy wrote:
how do u vacuum seal the unit(what factory does) once its clean so u don't get condensation??
Nov-07-2013 06:13 PM
MountainAir05 wrote:
I did all my a few years back. To figure out the space size just scrape or cut the window glaze back. I use the one that slides. Once you get a small area clean you can measure the space between the panes. Back then a 66 foot roll cost around $60 and the sealant that seals the spacer was right at $10 per windows. Takes just about one tube per window. I have 8 windows so had two rolls of spacer with a lot left over and one tube of sealant per window. The first one took a day to take out clean and repair and put back in. After that two per day easy. Cheaper that the several hundreds per window. Pm me if you need any more info.
Nov-07-2013 05:59 PM