Jan-19-2017 10:35 AM
Jan-20-2017 04:20 AM
Jan-19-2017 10:17 PM
slickest1 wrote:
I hear you about the weight on these big coaches. You are basically driving the equivalent of a loaded truck with three axles.
My old coach on two axles weighs 33000 which is enough as far as I|am concerned.It has also a dark color on the exterior that seems to cause the paint to crack or haze.
I see not only coaches but all rv's seem to be leaning toward the dark interiors and exteriors.
Jan-19-2017 07:34 PM
Jan-19-2017 03:59 PM
Jan-19-2017 03:14 PM
Jan-19-2017 01:30 PM
Jan-19-2017 01:29 PM
Jan-19-2017 12:35 PM
Jan-19-2017 11:56 AM
Jan-19-2017 11:34 AM
Jan-19-2017 11:25 AM
Jan-19-2017 11:07 AM
Jan-19-2017 11:00 AM
Jan-19-2017 10:39 AM