Sep-22-2017 10:56 AM
Oct-06-2017 09:26 PM
Oct-04-2017 10:20 AM
Oct-04-2017 09:59 AM
Oct-04-2017 09:36 AM
RVER wrote:
. BUT there are times with a big truck or motorhome there is someone on your left side and you cannot move over, you could slow way down and cause an accident but that is not a solution.
Oct-04-2017 06:24 AM
Oct-04-2017 05:55 AM
RVER wrote:
The trooper was a jerk, sometimes you cannot move over without causing a bad accident and he/she should have known by looking what as at your side or just in front of you as you passed by. .
Oct-03-2017 05:48 PM
Sep-30-2017 07:57 PM
damntough wrote:bobkatmsu wrote:
Update:I had contacted an attorney I know in the area within a half hour of receiving the ticket. I faxed him a copy of the ticket as well as my side of the story. He called me this morning and said he had talked to the prosecutor and he was willing to drop the points on my driving record if I paid the $215 fine. I am just waiting for the paperwork now.
Bottom line in going over the scenario over and over in my head, I still think I did everything possible to avoid the trooper. I will however, take the suggestion many of you made and give myself more space when following a semi. I'm retired now and not in a hurry to go any where. If people cut in front of me, and I'm sure they will, so be it.
Thank you to everyone for taking the time to respond. Hopefully this discussion helped more than just me.
Good post
Sep-30-2017 04:52 PM
bobkatmsu wrote:
Update:I had contacted an attorney I know in the area within a half hour of receiving the ticket. I faxed him a copy of the ticket as well as my side of the story. He called me this morning and said he had talked to the prosecutor and he was willing to drop the points on my driving record if I paid the $215 fine. I am just waiting for the paperwork now.
Bottom line in going over the scenario over and over in my head, I still think I did everything possible to avoid the trooper. I will however, take the suggestion many of you made and give myself more space when following a semi. I'm retired now and not in a hurry to go any where. If people cut in front of me, and I'm sure they will, so be it.
Thank you to everyone for taking the time to respond. Hopefully this discussion helped more than just me.
Sep-30-2017 04:51 PM
Tinstar wrote:soren wrote:
Watched the exact same thing happen to a buddy of mine, while I followed his motorhome, as we were within sight of the border, exiting Wyoming. He was totally trapped, unable to move left, as there was three or four vehicles on his left side at the moment. I was clear, and got into the passing lane. The cop chased him down, and behaved like a total Aze-hole, since he needed to strut and prove that he was the man with the gun and badge. Once he calmed down enough, and my buddy continually and politely told him that it was physically impossible to get any further away, as he passed, the idiot wrote a warning. Sadly, sometimes you are just at the wrong place at the wrong time, and face the wrath of another sad example of an officer in this country. I can't count how many of these idiots end up with a car stopped, on the white line, with their patrol car parked tight behind the "suspect" on the line, lights flashing, and their butt 3' into the travel lane, as they lean in the window of the car. Total morons! Get the car you are stopping as far off the road as possible, place your patrol car as a crash barrier, and angle it to deflect a strike. If you have a bit of a clue, and training, a motorhome passing by, in the travel lanes, should have ZERO impact on your personal safety. Unfortunately, too many of these chucklenuts have zero concern for safety, and are only interested in putting on a show.
Sounds like someone got their butt spanked by an officer at some point in time. You should be teaching these officers since they have no idea what they're doing.
Sep-30-2017 04:41 PM
bobkatmsu wrote:
Also, I called the courthouse to see when a hearing would be, I was told 3 weeks. I am out of state and cannot wait around that long. I do not know if this played into the troopers decision making.
Sep-30-2017 04:41 PM
soren wrote:1968mooney wrote:
soren, why don't you really tell us how you feel about Law Enforcement Officers? You must have applied for a position with one of the Police and got turned down. :h
Yea, that's exactly what happened. You got me. I actually wanted to be a mall cop, but got tripped up on the psychological test.
Sep-30-2017 02:53 PM
bobkatmsu wrote:
Update:I had contacted an attorney I know in the area within a half hour of receiving the ticket. I faxed him a copy of the ticket as well as my side of the story. He called me this morning and said he had talked to the prosecutor and he was willing to drop the points on my driving record if I paid the $215 fine. I am just waiting for the paperwork now.
Bottom line in going over the scenario over and over in my head, I still think I did everything possible to avoid the trooper. I will however, take the suggestion many of you made and give myself more space when following a semi. I'm retired now and not in a hurry to go any where. If people cut in front of me, and I'm sure they will, so be it.
Thank you to everyone for taking the time to respond. Hopefully this discussion helped more than just me.
Sep-30-2017 02:50 PM