Oct-27-2014 08:09 PM
Nov-02-2014 06:15 PM
Harvey51 wrote:You might be under a mistaken impression of what the Pacific Duallies really look like. You do not unbolt anything to check the air pressure. The valve stems stick right through the liners. The liners make the steel rims look like they are chrome plated.
I took mine off to check pressures and never put them on again. Utility before beauty? No way I would be unbolting the cover every time I wanted to check tire pressure.
Nov-02-2014 06:12 PM
Nov-02-2014 06:09 PM
Nov-02-2014 06:04 PM
Oct-28-2014 07:33 PM
navegator wrote:Were yours like the Pacific Duallies? I don't think they weigh any more than the factory hub caps. And in the case of the Pacific Duallies, they are held on with the lug nuts, so I don't know how they could rattle or be noisy. I also like it that the only time you have to do anything with them is when you replace the tires - maybe every 9 years or 70,000 miles whichever comes first.
I took mine off they are heavy and noisy, I can carry that weight in something else, they look nice but really do not do much but rattle.
Oct-27-2014 10:20 PM
Oct-27-2014 10:12 PM
BTPO1 wrote:Travelcrafter wrote:
Maybe your not loosing them. like in some one else only needs one more? sorry I just couldn't help myself but, the bolt on ones would be a better choice in either scenario.
X2 on the bolt-on style. I have them on mine and have never had a problem with them coming off. JMO
Oct-27-2014 10:03 PM
Oct-27-2014 09:59 PM
Travelcrafter wrote:
Maybe your not loosing them. like in some one else only needs one more? sorry I just couldn't help myself but, the bolt on ones would be a better choice in either scenario.
Oct-27-2014 09:55 PM
Oct-27-2014 09:29 PM
Oct-27-2014 09:24 PM