Jan-21-2018 11:26 AM
Jan-22-2018 09:36 AM
Jan-22-2018 09:26 AM
DiskDoctr wrote:I think you probably nailed it. The sheath on the coax became the return ground path. That means there could be a more serious problem - a "hot skin" condition, which be deadly in some cases. Turn power off and find the cause.
If you had a bad pedestal ground and your cable was hooked up, it is possible the camper's ground found your coax to be quite enticing :E
Jan-22-2018 09:11 AM
Jan-22-2018 08:27 AM
Jan-22-2018 05:56 AM
Jan-21-2018 09:13 PM
Jan-21-2018 04:06 PM
Jan-21-2018 12:30 PM
Jan-21-2018 12:20 PM
Jan-21-2018 11:58 AM