Sounds like you are using Millenicom. If so, that IS Verizon so if you can get a PAYG from Verizon that should give you the same service as long as you keep an eye on your actual usage. Just find out what is included in the plan.
Even better, as mentioned above, is if you currently have a smartphone from Verizon. Turn on the hotspot and use all the data you like (you just have to pay for the data). If you only use 5-10GB you pay for that. If you happen to use 20GB in a month it will cost you the same $90 you pay Millenicom. If you only use 10GB you will only pay about $40.
What I post is my 2 cents and nothing more. Please don't read anything into my post that's not there. If you disagree, that's OK.
Can't we all just get along?