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New proposed Gas tax

Be advised, Senator Corker from Tennessee, and Senator Chris Murphy from Connecticut have proposed a new gas tax that will bring prices up 12 cents per gallon on gas and 24 cents on diesel fuel. I'm not sure what others will do about this but I for one will not travel to Tennessee or Connecticut for certain. I expect this kind of attack on the middle Class from Murphy, but not from a Republican who supposedly wants to lower the burden of taxes on the Middle Class. If this goes through, we should turn Tennessee and Connecticut into RV ghost towns.

Yes, I am all for it. It is about time the feds raised gas taxes and spent some billions on the highway infrastructure. The number of people this will put to work at family wage jobs will be an incredible boost to our economy.
And if you don't like it you don't have to pay it Just Don't drive!!

People who count Social Security and Medicare in the budget are really funny.

You see Social Security and Medicare are paid for out of the Social Security TRUST FUNDS. Those trust funds were saved thru the Social Security taxes paid by working Americans. While military expenditures, welfare, Medicaid, foriegn aid, etc. is paid for out of income taxes. So to count Social Security and Medicare as part of the yearly budget is a falsehood. The 46% SS and Medicare costs is paid by SS and Medicare's trust fund. No other budget item pays for itself. Wake up people. That is why some are pushing for them to be off budget. If so they would not be 46% of the yearly budget and that would show that the military budget is really a much higher percentage of the real yearly budget.

My guess is if they would've raised taxes @.1 a year then this wouldn't be an issue.

Llmk100 wrote:
Federal tax, supposedly to do road repair. Like the toll roads and bridges.

Where? In Iraq or Pakistan or the South Pole? They sure don't spend the money here!

What about miles logged out of state? If all you do is check the odometer every year, you'd be paying taxes on every mile driven outside of your home state which isn't really fair either.

mlts22 wrote:

If it had to be by miles, the best way is an odo check every year when the vehicle is inspected with the tax paid before the inspection sticker goes on. However, common sense never seems to win.

SRT wrote:
spadoctor wrote:
there is no need to raise fuel taxes for road repairs....stop spending what they collect on welfare and other giveaways like foreign aide. Keep US oil here and regulate the price down and the economy will rebound but they want us all to be low income so they will have control. This is a pure political move nothing more.

Yup, plus block off the southern border where a ton of money is spent on the illegals.

So like cut off all trade with Mexico, Guatemala, Columbia, etc etc. Really.
2003 Revolution 40C Class A. Electric smart car as a Toad on a smart car trailer
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but rather by the moments that take our breath away.

Be advised, Senator Corker from Tennessee, and Senator Chris Murphy from Connecticut have proposed a new gas tax that will bring prices up 12 cents per gallon on gas and 24 cents on diesel fuel. I'm not sure what others will do about this but I for one will not travel to Tennessee or Connecticut for certain. I expect this kind of attack on the middle Class from Murphy, but not from a Republican who supposedly wants to lower the burden of taxes on the Middle Class. If this goes through, we should turn Tennessee and Connecticut into RV ghost towns.

Poor you. Guess you never heard about all around assumptions.....

I've no problems with paying more for road repair since ya can't have it both ways.

And for the record I've already booked a trip to EuroDisney for my DGD rather than spend one thin dime in FL.
So far neither TN or CT have evoked a similar feeling in me.
We all have our bailiwicks:).

$643 Billion in 2013 for the military complex. Just think of all the positive things we could have done with that money. We got into this mess with weapons of mass destruction that were never found. 4500 lives lost for something that didn't exist and 24000 injured. My grandchildren will be paying for that lie when they die of old age. 19% for military and 6% for debt (which we wouldn't have if we cut military spending. That my friend is 1/4 of all our money. 25% of all the taxes I pay.

$643 Billion with a B

By the way I didn't know Port Charlotte was 5ft below sea level. We sure are not.

Well you gotta figure something is going to raise the price of fuel as it hasnt gone up in 6 or 7 years.

Travelling around europe the last 5 weeks has been enlightening. Average price has been around 1.61 € per litre. Somewhere around 9 bucks a gallon. Little cheaper here in spain at sround 1.41. Still a pretty good deal in the Americas. What rules here is public transport. Way fun watching the countryside fly by at 320 Kmh in a train. And fairly cheap.
2003 Revolution 40C Class A. Electric smart car as a Toad on a smart car trailer
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but rather by the moments that take our breath away.

The fact that our politicians are thieves, doesn't in any way lesson the responsibility of the greedy oil companies. We know that the oil company profits are dramatic. We all know that they don't seem to care about the workingmen and women of America, and they certainly make little effort to develop alternative energy. Now, how to determine when profit becomes too much. How to control it without inhibiting research and development and the entrepreneurial spirit. How about reducing the cost of oil by the equal tax increase amount? No, because then, the politicians will gouge us even more than the oil companies. Oh, I forgot, our government is the biggest bloodsucker of our income. So how to reign the government spending? Bottom line, our government is out of control and getting worse every day. There must be a cost associated with attempts to increase ANY of our taxes to the politicians who would attempt to take any more money from us instead of becoming fiscally responsible. Yep, it's a dream, but I keep hoping that all of us come together with one mission of honor, take back our government.

Stefonius wrote:
Federal fuel taxes haven't gone up in over 20 years. I'd say we're overdue. How else do you expect to pay for all of the roads, bridges and tunnels that we take for granted in the USA? Some people will complain about ANYTHING.

That may be but the fuel taxes have been spent on things not remotely related to roads, bridges and tunnels.

If all the fuel tax had been spent correctly we probably would not have the problem we have now.

I suspect most of the new tax will also be spent on things other than highways and bridges.

powderman426 wrote:
Stefonius wrote:
Federal fuel taxes haven't gone up in over 20 years. I'd say we're overdue. How else do you expect to pay for all of the roads, bridges and tunnels that we take for granted in the USA? Some people will complain about ANYTHING.

Absolutely. And as for driving through a state without buying any fuel, not a good idea. Truck drivers used to do that, but now they keep logs and if they don't buy fuel or enough to cover their mileage, they get to pay a penalty.

Yeah- those of us that actually read the article picked up on the fact that the Federal gas tax hasn't been raised since 1993.

Here's another statistic for those of you that want to complain about raising it to something perhaps close to the same value in 2014 dollars:

That year, gas cost $1.16 a gallon INCLUDING the Federal tax. If you're torqued about rising prices, fire off your complaints to the gas companies who're raking in three or four times what they were making back then.

Those boys must just laugh their heads off every time this comes up. Heaven forbid they should volunteer to curb prices enough to allow a higher share of what amounts to the sale of our own resources be dedicated to roads without adding to consumer burden. What do they care about the infrastructure? They probably just fly everywhere they want to go.
" Not every mind that wanders is lost. " With apologies to J.R.R. Tolkien

Exactly! And that is the whole point. You hit that right on the head!

Nomad II
Nomad II
IF the fuel taxes had been and are now spent only on roads and repairs, we wouldn't need to raise the tax.
Cape Cod Ma & Central Fla
Chevy 2500HD 4x4 DC-SB
2008 Lance 845
Back-country camping fanatic

bgum wrote:

You got to pay for the War spending. Taxes will be raised so that we can support the military complex. When you spend all your money on war you should expect taxes.

Call me crazy but, you have to wonder about comments like these coming from someone who chooses to live 5 feet below sea level.