Jul-22-2019 01:56 PM
Jul-23-2019 10:32 AM
Jul-23-2019 09:15 AM
JRscooby wrote:carringb wrote:
That was a newer feature not present on older models. But I'm sure something could be easilyl fab'd up.
Not sure what you think is "older model" I know the one in our family was around in the early '80s. And brother always bought Suburbans at least 6 YO, kept until wrecked or rusted to the point it was not safe. Most times he had 2. (Now '03 as work truck, and '48 for when not working)
Jul-23-2019 09:12 AM
carringb wrote:
That was a newer feature not present on older models. But I'm sure something could be easilyl fab'd up.
Jul-23-2019 09:00 AM
BenK wrote:
When not being used, the ball/arm is swung to one side and pinned out if the way
When in use, towing...the ball/arm swings from side to side within the allowed swing travel
Jul-23-2019 06:00 AM
Jul-23-2019 05:46 AM
Jul-23-2019 03:16 AM
Jul-23-2019 03:03 AM
Jul-22-2019 05:39 PM
Jul-22-2019 04:19 PM
Jul-22-2019 02:48 PM