I got my Coachmen from them, and it went fine, no surprise charges at the last minute, but I think I stated up front that I was going to pay 'X' plus tag and tax only. They gave me a pretty good price, but I was agreeing to take the unit without a walk through presentation. I was confident that I was going to have to tear into it to make some mods, so I wasn't too concerned. Well, I did learn a lot from that, as there is always something to put on the 'punch list' with any complex machine.
Salesman was pleasant, guy doing the paperwork was great, and service manager was pleasant. I had asked them to add an additional fantastic fan, and it looked like it was done right to me. The coach was clean, they put LP gas and a good bit of gasoline in it for me, also.
The only thing that was strange was that some of the features that come on every single Pursuit model were being upsold as options in the negotiation phase, such as the powerlift bed up front, cameras, etc. I think it happens in most every car dealership, or RV place: They want to make a profit, and we want to pay the least amount. So, check your lowest prices on the internet, knowing that you may not be able to buy for those prices without some 'gotchas'. At least you will be in the ball park.
Hope you have a good experience, too.
Coachmen Pursuit 31BDP 2013, 300w solar, 1200w sine inverter, In-motion Winegard Dome sat. ant., L.E.D. lights, P2 brake controller, Yamaha 250 on back carrier, or pulling Stehl dolly with Hyundai Santa Fe