โMay-06-2013 12:09 PM
โMay-07-2013 02:59 PM
โMay-07-2013 07:14 AM
โMay-06-2013 09:06 PM
I've got you beat. We had a poor little half-blind Pomeranian that didn't like to poop on anything but HER grass. When in AZ, we went camping at Canyon Point which was full of huge Ponderosa Pines. She wouldn't go. Luckily, our house was only 20 miles away. We packed her up and drove the toad home, set her on HER grass, and she immediately pooped!And you had to come back, so that s 40 miles for a dump. I don't drive that far out of the way for my own black tank.
โMay-06-2013 07:41 PM
โMay-06-2013 07:06 PM
โMay-06-2013 06:41 PM
kokosfriend wrote:
Well, I could understand if Lily was afraid to go out, but she runs around during the rain and gets wet, then comes in and pees!!!
โMay-06-2013 06:36 PM
โMay-06-2013 06:20 PM
โMay-06-2013 04:46 PM
โMay-06-2013 03:24 PM
โMay-06-2013 02:05 PM
โMay-06-2013 01:43 PM
โMay-06-2013 12:27 PM