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I want one!

Nomad II
Nomad II
Hi All,

500 mile range loaded to 80,000 pounds. 30 minutes to recharge to 400 mile range. It may be self driving, too.
Regards, Don
My ride is a 28 foot Class C, 256 watts solar, 556 amp-hours of Telcom jars, 3000 watt Magnum hybrid inverter, Sola Basic Autoformer, Microair Easy Start.
135 REPLIES 135

Ductape wrote:
Meanwhile in the real world...
Tesla is not alone

Oops another foolish company

A rather routine manufacturer’s advance contingency - sage preparation for another potential profit center to cash in on (the green but not-so-green elightenment movement).....

But this does not make a comprehensie case for EV’s, nor is it Benz’s obligation to do so....

Problem is that actual science (empiricism) has been displaced by a disturbing form of ‘populist scientism’ and this is currently the source of the nonsensical inertia behind the EV movement.....

No one even bothers to ask even the most rudimentary of questions as the art of inquiry has been celebrated as something passe’ ....“Please check your thinking at the Door”!!

The capability of the grid is casually overlooked as something “not of my concern”, but beyond that, nobody even attempts to pencil out an example that (in terms of net pollution) a EV pollutes less than a modern gasoline vehicle which emits mostly (except during extremes) CO2 and water vapor ....Ever wonder why?? (a glaring omission, eh - lol !!)...

Fact is, the modern I/C engine is very nearly a zero pollution vehicle, yet the P.T. Barnum’s of the popularist movement continues to (successfully so!!) ‘preach’ the green religion that carbon dixoide is a pollutant when in fact it is a fertilizer for plants and rain forest, without which we’d ourselves suffocate due to a lack of replenished oxygen....Science (Follow the Grant money...) has been outsourced to parrots owned by P.T. Barnum...

Grid issues and net CO2 emissions aside, has anybody made a rational case that EV’s are a more practical or far better choice than to simply convert our existing fleet of vehicles to a plentiful, clean burning natural gas??..... Ever wonder why??...(again, Crickets....).

I don’t fault Musk or Mercedes, or anybody else who enters ‘the game’ , but this ‘assumed’ mass-Pollyannish push behind whats an ‘Enquiry free’ movement is driven more by a Unicorn ideology than real empirical science....Just another sign of our ‘very confused’ (at every institutional level.....) times.....

Not meant to be condensending, but I seriously doubt that some will ever ponder these issues...

3 tons

Meanwhile in the real world...
Tesla is not alone

Oops another foolish company
49 States, 6 Provinces, 2 Territories...

Explorer II
Explorer II
3 tons wrote:
joelm wrote:
If only Tesla could design a truck powered by B.S., Musk could personally power entire fleets.

X2, Musk’s business model is fueled by a never ending gov’t subsidy scam without which there would be no profit - Oops, come to think of it, there already is NO PROFIT!!...Nothing new here except another ‘just in time’ stock value distraction and recycled fame, Musk is truly the Preston Tucker of our day - LOL!!.....Personally I’m not at all interested in subsidizing my fairly ‘well healed’ neighbor’s Glamorous new Model S, his solar system or Big Rigs that will only drive up the cost of living, but then again (for sentient thinkers), like sooooooo many other programs, this cronyism was NEVER Intended to be the role of Gov’t....But thats another story that has already tipped too far..

3 tons

LOL, have you seen Mr Roarke's, ahh I mean Mr Musk's latest?

Lets just use his Falcon 9 as an example since not much is out there on the new Pipedream 11 in the Roarke, I mean Musk pipeline . Perhaps he intends to improve on the Falcon 9, and lets give him the benefit of the doubt and say he can double the payload weight and reduce the cost to launch by 50%, down to about 23 million by 2024. Lets also dream he can cram 670 people aboard, envision something larger than an A-380 with some rockets strapped to it, or will it be rechargeable electric or Bovine feces powered? He has an entire 6 years to pull this off.

What a bargain. A round trip ticket from NY to Shanghai will be @ a little less that $70,000 per person just to break even? Say it takes an hour each way? That's only @ $192,000.00 per minute operational cost LOL.

Personally I think I'll just stick with about $900 round trip on United, and take about 22 hours each way getting to Shanghai and back. Heck I can throw another $400 at it and get economy plus and an extra checked bag.

Too many geezers, self appointed moderators, experts, and disappearing posts for me. Enjoy. How many times can the same thing be rehashed over and over?

Explorer II
Explorer II
Btw about 7 milion people dies every year from air polution,,

About seven million people WHERE die every year from air pollution?

That would equal about one in every 44 Americans dying of air pollution every year. So the USA can't be the focus. China? China has about 7% of the autos per million than the USA or Europe. India has far fewer still. I know that in the mid east silica pulmonary damage from sandstorms is horrible.

We could drastically reduce motor vehicle pollution in USA cities by eliminating morning and evening rush hour traffic. Mexico has one of the best urban transportation networks going. It is rational and efficient to use the system for errands. The systems in the USA are horridly inefficient. That's why buses are not filled but freeway lanes are.

Speaking of pollution. Solar voltaic units are manufactured in China which not only kills its citizens with the worse air pollution ever to disgrace the planet earth the pollution is poisoning the South China Sea and Sea of Japan. So try and rationalize statements before uttering them. China has been turned into a poison pit by providing the earth with "clean energy".

Idiot statisticians try and chart pollution standards. I read numbers about China. They are fabricated out of thin air by their authors. China does not check and China does not reveal these kinds of state secrets. Furthermore would the Central Committee be provided with accurate numbers? Embarrassing numbers?

China has been using totally uncontrolled bituminous coal combustion to create electricity. Zero combustion efficiency - zero stack scrubbers. The plants that harvest and cut silica crystals have no emissions controls. Immense pollution created by extracting aluminum from Bauxite.

It's not easy to do but lowering sulfur in gasoline to 1-2 ppm would greatly reduce sulfur emissions. Vastly increasing production of alkylate to increase it's percentage in motor gasoline would also go a long way to help.

But the new Macarena in the environmental world is electricity. Oooommm. Current. Hare Watthour Hare Miracle. Chant with me...

LMAO........Oooooom. Current. Hare Watthour Hare Miracle.......Ha......Muhahahahahaha
Too many geezers, self appointed moderators, experts, and disappearing posts for me. Enjoy. How many times can the same thing be rehashed over and over?

Btw about 7 milion people dies every year from air polution,,

About seven million people WHERE die every year from air pollution?

That would equal about one in every 44 Americans dying of air pollution every year. So the USA can't be the focus. China? China has about 7% of the autos per million than the USA or Europe. India has far fewer still. I know that in the mid east silica pulmonary damage from sandstorms is horrible.

We could drastically reduce motor vehicle pollution in USA cities by eliminating morning and evening rush hour traffic. Mexico has one of the best urban transportation networks going. It is rational and efficient to use the system for errands. The systems in the USA are horridly inefficient. That's why buses are not filled but freeway lanes are.

Speaking of pollution. Solar voltaic units are manufactured in China which not only kills its citizens with the worse air pollution ever to disgrace the planet earth the pollution is poisoning the South China Sea and Sea of Japan. So try and rationalize statements before uttering them. China has been turned into a poison pit by providing the earth with "clean energy".

Idiot statisticians try and chart pollution standards. I read numbers about China. They are fabricated out of thin air by their authors. China does not check and China does not reveal these kinds of state secrets. Furthermore would the Central Committee be provided with accurate numbers? Embarrassing numbers?

China has been using totally uncontrolled bituminous coal combustion to create electricity. Zero combustion efficiency - zero stack scrubbers. The plants that harvest and cut silica crystals have no emissions controls. Immense pollution created by extracting aluminum from Bauxite.

It's not easy to do but lowering sulfur in gasoline to 1-2 ppm would greatly reduce sulfur emissions. Vastly increasing production of alkylate to increase it's percentage in motor gasoline would also go a long way to help.

But the new Macarena in the environmental world is electricity. Oooommm. Current. Hare Watthour Hare Miracle. Chant with me...

LenSatic wrote:
free radical wrote:
LenSatic wrote:
free radical wrote:
LenSatic wrote:
Well, I only skimmed the posts here, but roughly 50% of a barrel of crude oil is cracked to gasoline and 10% for Jet-A. You crack a barrel of crude for your jet fuel, you are going to get gasoline, diesel, and fuel oil for heating plus other light lubricants. Jets aren't going solar or wind power ever and gasoline engine technology is getting better and better, mostly due to auto racing. Don't lose sleep or money over your automobiles. Go camping!


Gas and diesel engine is patheticaly ineficient at maybe 35% while electric is 99%..
Now add all the polution and enviroment destruction diging for fosil fuels and 7 milion human deaths every year due to the same polution and it doesnt look all that great..

Jets may never be electric but small planes already are,the advantages are just that good..

Good luck with that. I'm a pilot and probably the only one on this thread that lives 100% off-grid solar. I know the reality. 😉


What is reality,,you recharge bateries and you go,,or fly as the case maybe,,whats the difference in watching the fuel gage or time left in bateries..?nada..

Bigest diference is cost of flying,,my money is on EV..

Like they say in the army..good soldier doesnt need luck!:p

Burning fuel reduces weight as you fly and also reduces the landing distance and stress on the brakes at the destination. The energy used from batteries weighs noting, the batteries do. Put some of the money you save on EV into learning to fly then get back to me.


Hardly relevant with ceramic brakes and reversing prop..heck one could also have regenerating brakes that put power back into bateries,,like most ev cars do..

Now compare the cost of gas engine and electric one,,and how much of an advantage EV has at higher altitude..

How much is a galon of avgas nowadays? As compared to solar electricity..

How long will gas engine go before needing very expensive overhaul..

Electric motor will beat it there again,,

Btw been there done that,,flying..
Have Comercial ticket about thirty years back..

Btw about 7 milion people dies every year from air polution,,
Do you enjoy contributing to making people sick..?

  • MY complaint is about government -- far too much, too intense, and utterly ignorant
  • And constituents who heads are stuck up (clouds)
  • Electric cars have been MANDATED for California. Ever hear of a mandate -- like the one forbidding the sale or importation of an old fashioned battery charger?
  • Governor BROWN set a date. Fine. Now they're latching on to halving the time of implementation of 100% electric vehicles
  • I KNOW The People's Republic, after implementation they are going to TAX the living beejezus out of petroleum cars
  • Let's see some BETTING ACTION on the above point
  • California is the hub of "With a quarter-pound joint, there are no problems"
  • So residents reject creation of ALL NEW FORMS of energy production except solar panels
  • Windmills kill birds
  • Dams kill salamanders
  • Nuclear? Coal? Fuel Oil? Shirley you jest
  • California government will grow another 25% to "regulate" electric cars
  • It's about energy WASTE, Global Warming and above all REVENUE
  • In Yuppie hives, like Sausalito and Silicon Valley they do not want to see above ground distribution lines never mind transmission towers
  • They don't even want to see them on their way to work or on their way to the mountains to camp and eat synthetic organic dehydrated food
  • This means the yuppies want the impossible dream and government "will pay for it all"
  • Not one millisecond has been devoted to figuring out how this titanic new power grid and distribution network can be implemented
  • Creation of kWh will be magic - like solar panels the province of government
  • Weight reduction of recreational vehicles means extensive use of carbon graphite, aluminum and even magnesium to offset the weight of a four ton bank of batteries
  • Motorhomes and trailers in excess of 30' will cease to exist
  • Want something longer? A bus? It will be liquefied natural gas powered
  • IF you think $200,000 base price for a 30' RV is expensive, just wait till you see the price of a bus
  • Then the People's Republic will "Do The Right Thing". Put a four dollar per gallon environmental tax on gasoline. This will force refineries to raise their price
  • This ALL sounds absolutely ABSURD. Yeah, until you look at what reality is comprised of in Europe. Stick your finger in the side of one of those babies "Ka-Boik Ka-Boik flimsy" garbage made for a long trip in Europe border to border, 290 miles.

    It's not the cars I'm worried about it's the government that intends to bloat and essentially end the "hideously irrational" RV lifestyle. Lobby groups like the Sierra Club wield an enormous power in Sacramento. On their way to the Sierras, they sneer and gag as they pass RVs in their BMWs and Mini Coopers.

    And the way California goes, so goes the rest of the nation.

    This ain't a bit goddamned funny.

down home wrote:
Someone here an Electrical Engineer, maybe, run the figures on hp and watts and amps on 80,000 lb, is light for a fully loaded semi though, and 6% grade ought to be about average.
You know the cables will be wanting to melt big time and batteries and motors will need a refrigerator.

Are there regulations for max loads? I'm not talking special loads but regular permitted DOT stuff. I have no idea. Not a trucker. I know a heavy motorhome comes in around 50,000 with toad. We run around 32,000 plus toad.

Ryder just signed on for a bunch. Walmart changed their order for 5 to 15 (10 for Canadian ops).
2003 Revolution 40C Class A. Electric smart car as a Toad on a smart car trailer
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but rather by the moments that take our breath away.

Tesla has a few engineers. I am sure they are working on it.

Explorer II
Explorer II
Let's assume 500 HP.

1 HP =746 watts, 500x 746= 373,000 watts. At 1000v that's about 373 amps. You'd certainly have to run some pretty high voltage to keep the cable size down. Diesel/electric locomotives do it.

Now, that's PEAK performance, so I suppose it would be less than that most of the time.
"If I'm wearing long pants, I'm too far north" - 2oldman

Explorer II
Explorer II
Someone here an Electrical Engineer, maybe, run the figures on hp and watts and amps on 80,000 lb, is light for a fully loaded semi though, and 6% grade ought to be about average.
You know the cables will be wanting to melt big time and batteries and motors will need a refrigerator.

Explorer II
Explorer II
I have no idea what you're talking about.
"If I'm wearing long pants, I'm too far north" - 2oldman

Californa has become a modern day version of Caligula’s Rome, and every bit as foolish, virtueless, and uber decadent..... Like frogs in increasingly warming water (as were Caligula’s subjects), the taxpayers (there, and nowadays in many other habitats...) have grown every bit as numb to the forces of truth (i.e. reality), and drop dead compliant to J. Brown’s powerful forces of popularism.... Its very sad when a sanctioned, non-sensical mobocracy becomes ‘normalized’ and exempts itself from history....Take the blue pill, it’ll all work out in the end, a common approach..

Having said that, WHO really studies history anyway - LOL!!

3 tons

Explorer II
Explorer II
And OH YEAH! Tax the living snot out of marijuana growers who waste thousands of Kilowatt Hours growing recreational intoxicants.
Oh it's already taxed quite heavily. I doubt the states collecting that revenue consider it waste.
"If I'm wearing long pants, I'm too far north" - 2oldman

Fortunately and unfortunately we let all the environmentalists have their way as long as something works.
When the rolling blackouts come there will no longer be any environmentalist voice or NIMBY campaign.
The grid and source power will be built and improved but it may come to blackouts to really move on it. All the more reason in CA to have solar and battery back up.

SCE is installing battery stations in transmission starved Orange County for this very reason. Grid improvements move very slow until a crisis. Assuming the alternative is a central planning type government I am perfectly willing to live with the shortfalls that we have.