1handyhubby wrote:
he used it to charge the camper batteries, laptop, phone etc.
Yes, laptop and phone. You don't just "charge" these items with solar - you hook solar up to battery and it's running these small chargers, plus putting some charge in camper battery, plus running pumps etc. All processes can go at the same time but the more loads you use, the less will be left to put in camper battery.
"Charge the camper batteries"?
Yes, if you don't use anything other than listed above AND it's perfectly sunny. Otherwise it will put none or very little charge in. If camper battery was substantially discharged the previous day, it won't fully charge with this small solar. If you used loads listed above but it's less than perfect weather, it won't fully charge again.
the size pictured can be anywhere from 30 to 120W total wattage. If 15W each panel, 30W total - yes, controller would nice though not absolutely necessary.
IMO, 30 W solar is a useless thing other than for maintaining battery in storage. It won't help you on a trip unless it's a tent-style living - laptop, cell phone, no 12V draw of fridge, no lights after sunset.