Sep-03-2012 10:34 PM
Apr-14-2013 11:09 PM
Apr-10-2013 03:58 AM
Apr-09-2013 07:10 PM
Apr-09-2013 06:19 PM
Mar-28-2013 06:24 PM
Mar-14-2013 03:09 PM
Mar-14-2013 02:45 PM
Feb-24-2013 05:27 PM
HJGyswyt wrote:
1976 Amerigo Camper For Sale Just in case anyone following this thread want's an Amerigo for themselves.
Feb-22-2013 07:04 PM
Feb-21-2013 05:07 AM
Feb-20-2013 05:39 PM
Feb-08-2013 06:46 PM
1971amerigo wrote:
Jeremy I placed the new tank where I wanted it then marked the top of the tank where the toilet sits. I then drilled a 3-1/2" hole and glued in the new threaded flange. The closet flange from the toilet screws through from the top of floor into the tank.Then the toilet goes back in as it came out.
The tank companies have all the parts you will need.
If you have the stock tank setup the new tank will also need a 1-1/2" hole drilled in the top for the vent pipe.
If you need I can get you a complete list of what I used.
Let me know
Feb-08-2013 02:02 PM
Feb-08-2013 12:52 PM
bigbad1ton wrote:
Has anyone installed a new rubber seal around the big overhead window? Mine leaks pretty bad and is cracking.
Feb-07-2013 06:19 PM