I was driving on Route 91S today in VT, near Exit 7 (near Charlestown, NH) and came up on the aftermath of a very recent accident. A newish Suburban or similar vehicle towing a travel trailer had hit the guard rail and the travel trailer had separated from the frame on impact. The truck was stuffed into the right hand guard rail, the trailer frame still attached and across the right hand lane on it's wheels, but the entire trailer was sitting on upright about 30 feet further down the road. The amazing thing was that it sheared off the frame completely intact and the frame was absolutely bare. I don't know if anyone was hurt or killed. The accident was on a steep downhill grade just after a hill. As you came over the hill, it was raining rather heavily on the other side (scattered heavy showers). I am guessing the driver was speeding and then found himself heading downhill in a sudden downpour, which somehow caused him to lose control. I think that people who tow trailers often get complacent about the amount of weight they are actually dragging around and what it can do if they don't exercise proper care. I did not see a blow out on any of the tires (which were very exposed), but I could not take the time to notice if they had a WDH or anything like that - so I am only speculating on the possible causes of the accident. Someone else with yellow lights on their truck had stopped to help, and I hit my flashers, slowed down, and slowly went around, but could not take my own eyes off the road to rubberneck. If this is anyone here on the board, I hope that no one was injured!