Apr-22-2014 04:35 PM
Apr-24-2014 04:57 PM
Apr-24-2014 05:39 AM
Mote wrote:
JumboJet, Are you saying you did not reuse the front window? I assume you had to buy some metal (or fiberglass) to fill the hole. Where were you able to buy that ? Mine is metal.
FreeLanceing wrote:
I am looking to replace mine as well. How did you handle the inside.
Apr-24-2014 04:45 AM
Apr-24-2014 03:01 AM
JumboJet wrote:Mote wrote:JumboJet wrote:
Be prepared for an "eye opener" if you have soft wood on the front around the window. I have rebuilt two TCs that had front windows with soft wood. One was a 2000 1030 and the other a 2001 820.
When rebuiding those did you peel back the siding from the top down on the outside to replace wood ?
The rebuild of the 1030 required replacement of all the nose wood and even 2' of the overhang floor.
With the 1030 and 820, we did not use the front window and opted for a solid front.
Apr-23-2014 07:25 AM
Mote wrote:JumboJet wrote:
Be prepared for an "eye opener" if you have soft wood on the front around the window. I have rebuilt two TCs that had front windows with soft wood. One was a 2000 1030 and the other a 2001 820.
When rebuiding those did you peel back the siding from the top down on the outside to replace wood ?
Apr-23-2014 07:18 AM
JumboJet wrote:
Be prepared for an "eye opener" if you have soft wood on the front around the window. I have rebuilt two TCs that had front windows with soft wood. One was a 2000 1030 and the other a 2001 820.
Apr-23-2014 05:59 AM
Apr-23-2014 03:56 AM
okan-star wrote:
Look on the inside , in the inner ring of the window . Inner ring screws to window outer , clamp action .
Apr-22-2014 05:06 PM