We had a low trailer that we had to put boards out to get the trailer from street to drive and driveway to street. We had outlines painted so we knew were to put the boards. Had to hit the 2X10 straight on to get in and out. A real pain, especially on a hot Sunday afternoon. Looked into a new driveway, $5,000 without a guarantee that it would work. Tried with, without wd, tried a straight ball to switch in the street. Nothing worked. After 2 years, traded it in for a higher trailer that now gets in and out with not issues. Without a good fix you will start to hate it.
So the trailer is fine but the hitch will drag. With your bars on the hitch should be higher. Maybe air shocks that will raise the TV enough to get in. Good luck.
ME '63, DW 64, (DS 89 tents on his own, DD 92 not so much), DS 95
2013 Premier Bullet 31 BHPR 2014 F350 Crew Cab 6.2L 3.73