JCat wrote:
Lift will hang over by 6 inches on either side, which will be where the wheel well ends
If the lift doesn't stick out any wider than the fenders on the trailer, and the bike also does not stick out any wider than the fenders on the trailer, there is nothing to worry about legally.
"Width laws" are for COMMERCIAL vehicles anyway. If you're towing with an RV, you can be 20' wide and the law won't even look your way or so the story goes on RV.net. Commercial trucking laws don't apply to RVs. Commercial, your load can't be more than 102" wide normally, mirrors don't count.
Your only concern is if the bike is sticking out and you insist on driving so close to things that you catch the bike on them and wreck it. Of course if you're that close you're also wrecking the trailer, so maybe if you have a history of hitting things with your trailer this is not a great idea.
Putting 10-ply tires on half ton trucks since aught-four.