Nov-21-2018 08:04 PM
Dec-09-2018 08:47 AM
Dec-09-2018 08:38 AM
Dec-09-2018 08:05 AM
Huntindog wrote:GrandpaKip wrote:Ummmm tire flatening on the bottom as pressure drops will NOT cause the diameter to increase. Just the opposite.
I would never dream of just using my x-chocks without the wedge chocks. I haven’t had a problem with either because of cooling tires. Without a doubt, tires will shrink as they cool. But, as they cool, the pressure also decreases, with the bottom of the tire flattening. As this happens, there will be an increase in diameter of the tire.
Now, how much those measurements are, I have no idea. Maybe one compensates for the other. My guess is that both are very small. As I said, I have not noticed a problem and I have checked. I do not doubt SoundGuy’ s account, I just have had a different experience.
When I was into car racing, we would often change the diameter of the tires with air pressure to get a specific amount of stagger.
Back to TTs. Every single time I have set up camp using any chock, I have had to retighten them after the tires cooled. Now I am in AZ, so my tires likely run hotter than most, but the principle is the same no matter the temp.
Hot air expands raising the tire pressure which pushes out from inside the tires harder than cool air at lower pressure will.
BTW...... This is WHY you check tire pressures when they are cold.
Dec-07-2018 12:29 PM
GrandpaKip wrote:Ummmm tire flatening on the bottom as pressure drops will NOT cause the diameter to increase. Just the opposite.
I would never dream of just using my x-chocks without the wedge chocks. I haven’t had a problem with either because of cooling tires. Without a doubt, tires will shrink as they cool. But, as they cool, the pressure also decreases, with the bottom of the tire flattening. As this happens, there will be an increase in diameter of the tire.
Now, how much those measurements are, I have no idea. Maybe one compensates for the other. My guess is that both are very small. As I said, I have not noticed a problem and I have checked. I do not doubt SoundGuy’ s account, I just have had a different experience.
Dec-07-2018 06:47 AM
Dec-06-2018 02:40 PM
Dec-06-2018 09:52 AM
Dec-06-2018 08:49 AM
SoundGuy wrote:Ralph Cramden wrote:
A tire is not going to contract enough when cooling down to loosen an X chock unless the person installing it's IQ was less than the X chocks IQ. That's a stretch of a comment, physics or not. How much does one contract? 1/10000 of an inch?
Your feeble attempt to insult another forum member just because you don't agree with the point being made doesn't change the FACT that trailer tires do shrink noticeably as they cool. I know that to be FACT because my own X-Chocks installed when the tires are hot do loosen to the point where they will fall out of position if not periodically retightened as they cool. I've measured this contraction at ground level where my BAL Single Tire Locking Chocks sit between the tires of our precious K-Z Spree to be as much as a 1/4". When we bought our most recent travel trailer I discovered that the axle spread of just 29" provided insufficient space between the 14" tires to reliably insert the BAL locking chocks so I came up with another solution. That solution was a pair of rubber chocks between each set of adjacent tires, using hardwood spacers of varying widths to ensure each chock snugged against it's respective tire.
However, since the tires shrink as they cook that meant I had to make up a SET of hardwood spacers of varying widths as those inserted when we first set up would have to be replaced with wider spacers as the tires cooled.
Had I been able to continue using the adjustable BAL locking chock I would have because expanding it as the tires cool was a simple matter of periodically giving the adjusting screw a couple of turns ... I couldn't so this rubber chock / spacer system was the next best solution. Norco's warning isn't a CYA, it's a reminder of the FACT that physics does play a part here ... there's no way around it, X-Chocks are not designed for or intended to be used to actually chock the trailer and secure it from inadvertently rolling away. For sure, it's your personal choice if you want to ignore this advice but that doesn't change the FACTS of the matter.
Dec-06-2018 06:10 AM
Ralph Cramden wrote:
A tire is not going to contract enough when cooling down to loosen an X chock unless the person installing it's IQ was less than the X chocks IQ. That's a stretch of a comment, physics or not. How much does one contract? 1/10000 of an inch?
Dec-06-2018 01:35 AM
SoundGuy wrote:bartlettj wrote:
Xchocks are only for stability, not safety, and they will pop right out with enough force. Please use real wedge chocks.
Warning note included in every box of BAL X-Chocks sold ...
FACT is, tires shrink as they cool so X-Chocks installed during your setup process will loosen ... it's simple physics. Nevertheless some will claim this warning is just a manufacturer CYA :R ... unfortunately you can't fix stupid. :S
Dec-05-2018 06:14 PM
Dec-05-2018 01:46 AM
Dec-05-2018 12:57 AM
bartlettj wrote:
Xchocks are only for stability, not safety, and they will pop right out with enough force. Please use real wedge chocks.
Dec-04-2018 07:43 PM