Jul-16-2021 05:21 AM
Jul-21-2021 04:32 PM
Jul-21-2021 04:16 PM
azdryheat wrote:It's your right to stay home.
I'm not showing my 'papers' to anybody. Not to cross a border, not to fly in a airplane, not ever. Whatever happened to the HIPPA Law about medical privacy?
Jul-21-2021 04:13 PM
AKsilvereagle wrote:THREE oceans.
2 - While Canada itself is surrounded by two oceans and the United States, the two oceans were not going to be the source of potential increase in COVID cases
Jul-20-2021 06:40 PM
azdryheat wrote:
I'm not showing my 'papers' to anybody. Not to cross a border, not to fly in a airplane, not ever. Whatever happened to the HIPPA Law about medical privacy?
As a cop, when HIPPA first came out, we were briefed that at an accident scene, for example, the medics weren't allowed to tell us cops if the person they were working had any DUI symptoms. Yet there's folks demanding to see our vaccination 'papers'.
Jul-20-2021 09:46 AM
moisheh wrote:
Azdryheat. You can keep your papers private but do not expect to travel outside the USA. Or even enter many concerts,sports events,museums,restaurants and more. Your choice.
Jul-20-2021 05:56 AM
azdryheat wrote:
I'm not showing my 'papers' to anybody. Not to cross a border, not to fly in a airplane, not ever. Whatever happened to the HIPPA Law about medical privacy?
As a cop, when HIPPA first came out, we were briefed that at an accident scene, for example, the medics weren't allowed to tell us cops if the person they were working had any DUI symptoms. Yet there's folks demanding to see our vaccination 'papers'.
Jul-20-2021 05:09 AM
Jul-20-2021 04:22 AM
Jul-19-2021 08:07 PM
Jul-19-2021 07:26 PM
moisheh wrote:
The press conference today was chaotic English and French at the same time. Each Official just repeated the same speech. There is some confusion on the testing. I had heard them say that testing would be random.
Jul-19-2021 12:26 PM
Jul-19-2021 11:28 AM
Jul-19-2021 11:27 AM
Jul-19-2021 11:12 AM
Jul-19-2021 09:46 AM