Nov-22-2013 07:27 AM
Nov-28-2013 08:24 AM
Nov-28-2013 07:27 AM
Nov-28-2013 06:29 AM
Nov-28-2013 04:33 AM
Nov-27-2013 07:32 AM
Nov-26-2013 07:46 AM
footslogger wrote:tropical36 wrote:Takemeanywhere wrote:
DH and I are (happily) spending the early months of 2014 around Orlando...and we love to play golf. Any research I've done about how much a round of golf costs has been discouraging. Anybody know where we can play golf without having to mortgage the house?
Suggestions much appreciated.
My full timer friend plays and says the best bang for the buck, is to stay in an RV Golf Resort and has done so during the winter months near the space center and Titusville. If you're interested in doing that, PM me and I'll run down the name of the place. I do remember it looking pretty nice.
That would be The Great Outdoors in Titusville. I don't play golf, but own a lot there. Love it.
Nov-25-2013 04:24 AM
tropical36 wrote:Takemeanywhere wrote:
DH and I are (happily) spending the early months of 2014 around Orlando...and we love to play golf. Any research I've done about how much a round of golf costs has been discouraging. Anybody know where we can play golf without having to mortgage the house?
Suggestions much appreciated.
My full timer friend plays and says the best bang for the buck, is to stay in an RV Golf Resort and has done so during the winter months near the space center and Titusville. If you're interested in doing that, PM me and I'll run down the name of the place. I do remember it looking pretty nice.
Nov-25-2013 02:30 AM
tropical36 wrote:Lipets wrote:
Forget Orlando, move to 'The Villages' 40 courses all free.
The Villages have RV spaces???
Nov-24-2013 07:58 PM
Nov-24-2013 03:01 PM
tropical36 wrote:Lipets wrote:
Forget Orlando, move to 'The Villages' 40 courses all free.
The Villages have RV spaces???
Nov-24-2013 12:42 PM
Lipets wrote:
Forget Orlando, move to 'The Villages' 40 courses all free.
Nov-24-2013 08:45 AM
Nov-24-2013 08:02 AM
Nov-24-2013 05:38 AM