Here come the snowbirds !!!! Here we are in October in Southwest Florida, (Fort Myers Beach), and they are coming down in droves. Like the birds in Capistrano, our birds return with the same perserverance that the famous swallows do. The only difference is that they tie up the roadways, are irritable after their traveling, want everything done immediately on their arrival, have lost some manners along the way and think that all of us full timers are here to serve their whims and requests. This isn't only true here but throughout Florida, (we travel in our class B also). We live full time in an RV resort/campground. Our 6 month neighbors are not a problem, it is usually the weekend or weekly Rvs that can be somewhat demanding. But even with this we still love our area here known as Paradise. The weather is beautiful, sub-tropical year round. We just finished a very wet and hot summer but would not trade it to live back up north. The restaurants, beaches and activities are endless and top notch. But still remember during the winter season it may be very crowded and be patient with traffic and the waiting game. We are close to the Everglades and the Keys and travel that way at least every 6 weeks. Drop a note if we can help with any information that you would like on our area and we would be more than happy to advise. Have a great time and be safe.