This is a bit up to you.... I have been in a few parks where the mineral content of the water was .. Well, "Nasty" is the word that applies, A simple low-cost filter fixed it though.
I will give you a couple different hookups.. If possible you want GOOD pressure regulators Adjustable with gauges on them, Valterra or Watts, YOu may use a Sur-Flow as the 2nd regulator if there is not one already built into your RV. but even it is a bit.. Less than I like,
Park-Regulator---Long hose---(Optional filter short hose (optional 2nd regulator)) RIG
Or to draw all possible lines
Park-Regulator-----Long hose----RIG
Park-Regulator----_long hose--filter--short hose rig
Park-Regulator-----Long hose---Filter regulator short hose rig
Park-Regulator----Long hose----Filter-Short hose--Regulator rig
You want the filter as close to the rig as possible
WHY two regulators?
The park I am in now has recorded line pressures in the triple digits (Over 100 PSI) most garden hoses that is really pushing it, Many guests here have found hoses with ends blown off by the pressure. The first regulator at the park faucet takes care of this.. BUT if you set it for say 50 PSI (more on that later) it can not push water through a filter fast enough, Put the filter first and pop goes the filter housing when the pressure peaks.
So I put a pre-regulator at the park, set to around 65-70 PSI.
Then the regulator at the rig is set to 50.. Most RV's can take 60 PSI before seals on valves start to fail and flood the place.... This set up moves more water.
The small cylinder jobs (3/4 inch) just can't pass enough water
Add the bright plastic grip (or wings on Camco) and call 'em "high volume" they still can't pass enough, though they are better.
The Sur-Flo... Comes downright close
The watts and Valterra models, epically 1/2 inch or larger... NO PROBLEM, nice strong shower, as one RVer said "It will knock your hat off" (ok he is a cowboy in every sense of the word.. Me,, I just hearded cows) I do admit I like the kid.
Home was where I park it. but alas the.
2005 Damon Intruder 377 Alas declared a total loss
after a semi "nicked" it. Still have the radios
Kenwood TS-2000, ICOM ID-5100, ID-51A+2, ID-880 REF030C most times