Hello All,
I am new to owning this '08 HRambler Vacationer XL 34'. The facts are as follows:
It wouldn't crank. I have had trouble with the batteries dying in the past so I thought they might be bad. Not sure how old they were. Before running to the auto parts store I went ahead and changed the oil and fuel filter/separator. I filled the filter with fuel.
I went to the store, had the batteries checked and both had bad cells. I brought new batteries back and installed them. I was pretty sure I knew which wires went where. The entry step works fine (and runs off the chassis). When I entered the coach, before inserting the key, the Alt Fail light was on and the regen temperature warning. The Alt Light hadn't come on while operating the RV previously.
When I put the key in and turn to on position the battery isn't showing any power. I tried to crank it initially, for a few minutes. It tries to start but doesn't. I realize it might have air in the lines and then turn the key on (and wait) and off several times. I 'bumped' the ignition and then wait. I cannot hear the fuel pump work.
I haven't tried anything further as I wanted to throw this out to the group. Yes, I should have taken a picture of the battery compartment but didn't as it seemed straigtforward how it was wired, I also wrapped some of the wires together with electrical tape so as not to confuse anything, etc. I think the wiring is okay but I have attached pictures so
1. please let me know if anything looks wrong in the wiring?
WIRING PICS HEREhttps://www.flickr.com/photos/128054324@N06/
2. Why isn't the battery showing a charge on the instrument panel?
3. Is there air in the lines and any tip on how to get this thing started?
Thank you,