Jun-27-2018 10:13 PM
Jul-01-2018 10:35 AM
CA Traveler wrote:TechWriter wrote:A 68 degree separation is huge so do you have to instruct the Traveler on which set to acquire?
Since the Travler is able to acquire an Eastern Arc sat with a Western Arc LNB, it must be the software (ie, the Travler has better software).
The central US location of DTV (99, 101, 103) is a huge advantage that covers the lower 48 states and Alaska.
Jul-01-2018 10:13 AM
ljr wrote:
During my email exchange with RFM they said there is a difference between the EA and WA satellite technology that makes the WA aiming code not directly transferable to the EA. That’s all over my head but I guess it means that both they and Winegard have to overcome more than just the physical LNB spacing issues.
Jul-01-2018 09:26 AM
jorbill2or wrote:
The traveler can’t recieve all three eastern birds .. it can manually recieve ONE on one of its 3 lnb by selecting it from the manual tuning menu. One will give you most of the channels. I know it’s been said but the spacing is different between the 3 western and 3 eastern . A new lnb would ,yes, get the spacing right sure perhaps a redesign from the std head to enable folding and then the programming would need to be changed ( different skew etc). I don’t know how difficult that would be. Good question for Winegard and RF mogul. For someone who travels nationwide like us if would be valuable.
Jul-01-2018 09:17 AM
TechWriter wrote:A 68 degree separation is huge so do you have to instruct the Traveler on which set to acquire?
Since the Travler is able to acquire an Eastern Arc sat with a Western Arc LNB, it must be the software (ie, the Travler has better software).
Jul-01-2018 09:16 AM
Jul-01-2018 09:10 AM
Jul-01-2018 07:36 AM
ljr wrote:TechWriter wrote:
Can your RF Mogul also acquire Eastern Arc sats like the Travler can?
If you're a DIYer, you can buy a DISH RF Mogul here.
I just exchanged email with them. The answer was “no”.
They also said that while they have interchangeable LNB assemblies for different providers, 61.5 is too far off center to fold properly so no EA LNB assembly option.
Jul-01-2018 07:09 AM
Jun-30-2018 03:06 PM
Jun-30-2018 07:30 AM
Jun-30-2018 06:40 AM
Jun-28-2018 05:41 PM
Jun-28-2018 10:58 AM
TechWriter wrote:
Can your RF Mogul also acquire Eastern Arc sats like the Travler can?
If you're a DIYer, you can buy a DISH RF Mogul here.
Jun-28-2018 09:34 AM
Jun-27-2018 10:48 PM