Dec-06-2017 05:35 PM
Dec-07-2017 08:36 AM
Dec-07-2017 07:54 AM
Dec-07-2017 07:41 AM
Fizz wrote:No, I believe it will be quite the opposite.
Saw that video.
If they're selling as fast as they build them you better reserve your camping spot soon. If you say you boondock only, it's gona get crowded.
Dec-07-2017 07:02 AM
Dec-07-2017 06:54 AM
Dec-07-2017 06:40 AM
Fizz wrote:We'll see what happens in the Q this year.
If you say you boondock only, it's gona get crowded.
Dec-07-2017 04:36 AM
valhalla360 wrote:azrving wrote:
The bad news may also be how many people need to live in them.
I keep hearing people say this but haven't seen a single statistic to support it.
I see this as nothing but good news. It means there will be a nice supply of used units in a few years if we want to upgrade.
Dec-07-2017 03:41 AM
Dec-07-2017 03:37 AM
bucky wrote:
The other thing that concerned me was the speed at which the workers were building units.
Dec-07-2017 02:28 AM
Dec-06-2017 10:21 PM
azrving wrote:
The bad news may also be how many people need to live in them.
Dec-06-2017 06:52 PM
Dec-06-2017 05:47 PM