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Teaching a dog to "talk"

Explorer II
Explorer II
I've heard dogs "talk". Granted, they're repeating a sound or string of sounds that sounds almost intelligible - but the point is, it's "said" in the proper context.

The best one was Rocky (RIP), my neighbor's malamute. He would say "I love you" (Rye Ruv Roo) to anyone who would give him some attention for it. One day, he was in the house while his owners were gone, which he HATED. I was watering shrubs on that side of my house, and could hear Rocky at the window, professing his undying love for me....LOL! until I finally yelled back "I love you too, Rocky - but I'm NOT letting you out!" He knew what I said - there was nothing but silence after that.

My dear sweet Ike (RIP) was quite the talker, having been raised next door to Rocky....LOL! His one word (but it was handy) was "wah" - I'm rather positive he was saying he "wah"nted something, because I could ask "what do you wahnt?" and he would take me to the empty food dish, or stuck toy, or whatever...

Now Ben is showing signs of being a talker. I've been working with him to polish up "owf", which is Ben-speak for OUT. Last night he walked up to me, and in his most respectful voice, simply said "owf" and then walked to the door. This will be crazy-handy for those times when we're someplace he either doesn't know which door to sit by; or in the RV going down the road and he needs to potty....
Ed, Deb, and 2 dogs
Looking for a small Class C!

Explorer II
Explorer II
London Daily Mail has a story and video of an Australian Shepard in competition with a baby for food. She was tempting the baby with food to get it to say MAMA. The dog said it first and again.
The baby reached over trying to sush the dog so he would get the food.
If that isn't cute nothing is.
Dahkota tries to make sounds in his throat but hasn't quite figured it out.
have to get the Australian Shepard out of the pen and get the two to buddying around.
Maybe she could pick some words and help tame down the two step kid rug rats.

You have to have a "sender" and a "receiver" for critter-human communication. Some of us are lucky to have and appreciate the gift. Our dear departed kitty, Edna, who passed recently at 19 years old, could get a hundred different meanings out of "muh-row?" Luckily, I was a fast learner and could always read them. When Edna was in her final illness, we had to apply a thyroid medicine to the inner leather of her ears. She would ask me for this multiple times a day, past the normal dosage. She just loved the extra attention. I don't go so far as to say she knew that the meds helped. Anyway, I would get a closed chapstick and "apply" that to her ears. This made her happy and she would then be contented and happy. I hope somebody reads me that well when I am old and sick.
Judy & Bud (Judy usually the one talking here)
Darcy the Min Pin
2004 Pleasure-Way Excel TD
California poppies in the background

Explorer II
Explorer II
OK - this talking thing has a HUGE advantage: twice, this past weekend, as we were camped at a State Park with our extended family, Ben came up to me and solemnly said "owf". That was pretty interesting, because we were already outdoors! Obviously, to him, "owf" means "Please take me somewhere where I can go potty" (we had already designated the woods next to the boat ramp as an ideal potty place).

This will be darn handy as we head out for a 6,000-mile drive this fall...
Ed, Deb, and 2 dogs
Looking for a small Class C!

I know Ricky (legal name: Ricardo Montalbird) didn't make Rosie's ears hurt with his vocalizing, as it was mostly chatter. However, if he pulled a feather out, he would screech as if he hadn't anticipated pain, and all three dogs would run to his cage to see who hurt Ricky.
Judy & Bud (Judy usually the one talking here)
Darcy the Min Pin
2004 Pleasure-Way Excel TD
California poppies in the background

Explorer II
Explorer II
CA POPPY wrote:
Never knew if she was telling him "Please, for the love of all that's holy, stop!" or if she was saying, "Right on, Ricky!" Sure miss Rosie. I'll bet Ricky does, too.

I'm guessing the former?? 🙂 Decades ago, we took in a Conure "rescue" - and after a while, he discovered that his shrieks would make our Aussie Casey howl in pain. Since the bird pretty much had the whole family terrorized anyway (cats scared to death; kids leery), it was easy to rehome him to a loving home with no pets or kids...
Ed, Deb, and 2 dogs
Looking for a small Class C!

Ricky, our Cockatiel, gets so excited when he hears one of our daughters' voices on the phone. He grew up listening to them, and he is 24 years old.

Rosie (chi-mix now at The Bridge) used to go off when Ricky started chattering and howl her coyote impression in response. Never knew if she was telling him "Please, for the love of all that's holy, stop!" or if she was saying, "Right on, Ricky!" Sure miss Rosie. I'll bet Ricky does, too.
Judy & Bud (Judy usually the one talking here)
Darcy the Min Pin
2004 Pleasure-Way Excel TD
California poppies in the background

Explorer III
Explorer III
I forgot how much I miss the Husky talk. NO

Bat-dog sings, but only to one song She Called Me Baby (Scotty Moore's Mighty Handful version). She is very vocal, but no "words".

Dog-bird (the parrot) talks to the dogs daily. He makes a specific call to his flock and Moose-dog and Bat-dog howl in response. It was cute the first time...
1975 American Clipper RV with Dodge 360 (photo in profile)
1998 American Clipper Fold n Roll Folding Trailer
Both born in Morgan Hill, CA to Irv Perch (Daddy of the Aristocrat trailers)

I remember a talking Chihuahua on the old Art Linkletter show. I think she said, 'I love you'.
My dogs never bothered with the English language-they mastered the art of 'telepathy'.

Our last Bouvier Sampson was an accomplished talker. He was able to vocalize when he wanted to eat, when he wanted to go outside and when he wanted to go for a walk. I can't tell you the sounds that he made but they were each distinctively different. There would be times when he and I would have conversations, I can't tell you what we said but he was usually satisfied when we finished. Our current Bouv's, Jewel and Clifford are not as prolific talkers as Sampson was but Jewel, being his niece has some of his characteristics. Clifford just give a slight growl when someone new comes by. Jewel on the other hand will wake me to feed her (07:00 and I'm retired). She'll also let me know verbally when its time to go for a walk.

I wish Clifford could talk, but with him being being a rescue I'm just happy that he's here.
Pat & Roger Fisher
2005 American Tradition 40W
2012 Honda CRV EX-L 2WD,
Jewel, Clifford and Thor - Bouvier Des Flandres

Explorer II
Explorer II
Wow - I was expecting more folks to have talking dogs....

Regarding teaching Ben: he was the one who first said "owf", and I thought it was funny, but of course jumped up to let him out. So I sort of reinforced the "word". Later, he'd try to get my attention by saying "arf" or "bark" - and I'd say "say owf" and wait a bit... the idea being that the right sound gets immediate attention, and the wrong word gets a small delay. He's a 2-yr-old; I'm not doing this with a puppy. I'm also not expecting him to say a sound he doesn't already "say".

My dogs don't do "tricks" (they DO know basic obedience, of course) - but having them able to communicate either with sounds; or simply by "showing" me what they want is pretty darn handy. More than once my dogs have alerted me to boats floating away because they became untied; or a herd of geese in the yard, etc. They are SOOOO much more observant than we are 🙂
Ed, Deb, and 2 dogs
Looking for a small Class C!

Explorer II
Explorer II
dturm wrote:
Youtube video

That was hilarious!!!!!
Ed, Deb, and 2 dogs
Looking for a small Class C!

dturm wrote:
Youtube video

Dat's purty funny, DOC!


Explorer II
Explorer II
I haven't tried. Inatentive student but Dakhota tries to make a sound in his throat to say hungry.
When I was young Grand Mother"s neighbor down the road a had a Rat Terrier.
I have forgotten the Lady's name but her Husband's was Henry.
She would tell him to get Henry for supper.
He went to the garden, and yelped or spoke Henry supper.
I can't imitate the sound or clearly remember it over these many years.
Every one would come by to hear him.
They would tell him Rat and he would tear the place apart trying to find it.
When they would work in the kitchen garden he was right there with them picking up stones in his mouth and carrying them to the edge.

Youtube video
Doug & Sandy
Winnie 6 1/2 year old golden
2008 Southwind 2009 Honda CRV