โMay-29-2013 10:15 AM
โDec-02-2013 09:36 AM
LScamper wrote:
...B field is controlled by amp-turns --- This is true for DC. For transient and AC conditions the inductance, if designed correctly, keeps the current down and the core from saturating. It is the volt-seconds, that is the number of turns, the saturation flux of the magnetic material, and the size of the core, that determine if the core will saturate. V-S = NBA. Current is not involved.
โDec-02-2013 09:31 AM
DryCamper11 wrote:
It doesn't matter how much resistance you are charging the capacitor through - the total energy lost due to that resistance (energy dissipated in that resistance) will be the same.
However, the resistance does have a great effect on the power dissipated, i.e., on the rate at which the 1/2 CV**2 energy is dissipated. The energy dissipated in the resistor appears as heat. The heat is transferred to the surroundings. As the resistance of the thermistor goes up, the current goes down and the capacitor charges more slowly. The same amount of energy is dissipated in the resistor, but it gets dissipated more slowly, and the resistor/thermistor has longer to transfer its heat to the surroundings, so it doesn't get as hot. That's why the resistance calculations produce a "minimum" resistance. If you use more resistance, you just slow things down - decreasing the maximum inrush current and allowing more time for heat to be dissipated. If you go below the minimum, you risk damaging the thermistor as the energy is dissipated too quickly for the device to rid itself of that heat without damage.
โDec-02-2013 09:30 AM
โDec-02-2013 09:30 AM
ken white wrote:BFL13 wrote:
The production 100a model uses MS35-5R025
Sounds like you have a solution. I am done posting since you have an answer.
โDec-02-2013 09:09 AM
BFL13 wrote:
The production 100a model uses MS35-5R025
โDec-02-2013 08:57 AM
โDec-02-2013 08:47 AM
LScamper wrote:
ken white wrote:
"Not concerned about saturating the core of the transformer, or its kVA rating, when allowing 375 amps to flow?
If saturated, the surge current will flow longer than 1/4 cycle and will persist for more cycles too... "
? How does high current saturate the core, volt - seconds stay the same?
โDec-02-2013 08:34 AM
โDec-02-2013 08:07 AM
Salvo wrote:
I see you found the diode.
It has a peak surge rating of 350A.
Your thermistor needs to be larger than 170V/350A = 0.49 ohm.
I haven't heard any rational reasoning for going greater than 2 ohm.
Note, the surge current is for an extremely short time; 4 ms max. The charging pulses that follow the initial pulse have significantly less current.
Just to review:
1. The desired resistance of the thermistor has nothing to do with the size of the capacitor bank.
2. If this is your standard peak-charge circuit, the diode bridge is the weakest link and may need inrush current surge protection.
3. The energy the thermistor consumes during turn-on is equal to 1/2CV^2. It doesn't matter if the thermistor has 1 ohm or 5 ohm, they will consume equal energy.
4. The size of the capacitor bank determines the minimum energy spec for the thermistor.
โDec-02-2013 06:03 AM
โDec-02-2013 06:01 AM
โDec-02-2013 05:42 AM
BFL13 wrote:DryCamper11 wrote:
.............. You then plug in the assumed inrush current into a formula for minimum R.
Choosing an R above the minimum is OK. Below the minimum, you risk failure at turn on.
DryCamper11 was going from vague memory there (18 Nov), but now I can tell what he was talking about, wrt those two lesson plans, etc.
This relates to my current puzzle over the meaning of "minimum."
He and Ken seem to contradict the lesson plans where with 5.7 calculated they went with a 5 and with 1.2 calculated, they went with a 1. Ken says with 3.4 to go higher and use the 5.
Getting this "minimum" definition clarified would tell me whether, with a 3.4 calculation I should use a 4 or 5 or whether I could use a 2. ( If going with Ken's low size amps where that 3.4 came from)
Can anybody help with that definition of "minimum" business? Thanks.
โDec-01-2013 10:29 AM
BFL13 wrote:DryCamper11 wrote:
.............. You then plug in the assumed inrush current into a formula for minimum R.
Choosing an R above the minimum is OK. Below the minimum, you risk failure at turn on.
DryCamper11 was going from vague memory there (18 Nov), but now I can tell what he was talking about, wrt those two lesson plans, etc.
This relates to my current puzzle over the meaning of "minimum."
He and Ken seem to contradict the lesson plans where with 5.7 calculated they went with a 5 and with 1.2 calculated, they went with a 1. Ken says with 3.4 to go higher and use the 5.
I found in an earlier post that in series, the two 2Rs would be 4R, so that is answered (which is above 3.4 if that comes into play)
Getting this "minimum" definition clarified would tell me whether, with a 3.4 calculation I should use a 4 or 5 or whether I could use a 2. ( If going with Ken's low size amps where that 3.4 came from)
Can anybody help with that definition of "minimum" business? Thanks.
โDec-01-2013 09:04 AM
DryCamper11 wrote:
.............. You then plug in the assumed inrush current into a formula for minimum R.
Choosing an R above the minimum is OK. Below the minimum, you risk failure at turn on.
โNov-30-2013 09:40 AM