Jun-28-2019 05:34 AM
Jul-23-2019 05:23 PM
Jul-22-2019 12:22 PM
GrandpaKip wrote:
Sorry, I can’t help it. Retired Science teacher syndrome.
CO2 is carbon dioxide, not particularly dangerous except to the climate.
CO is carbon monoxide, very bad to breathe.
Have you tried a stand alone CO detector to make sure that’s what is triggering the alarm?
Jul-20-2019 09:28 PM
Jul-20-2019 12:31 PM
Jul-20-2019 09:54 AM
enblethen wrote:
Chemical odors in the new rig from items like the carpet.
Rig needs to get aired out good. Open vents, windows and put fan inside to circulate the air.
Jul-15-2019 02:07 PM
Snomas wrote:newman fulltimer wrote:
Your floor is heating up releasing off gasses from the glues is the issue
I smell co2 not glue!
Jul-06-2019 06:28 AM
Jul-04-2019 06:47 PM
opnspaces wrote:
I guess the real question you need to be concerned about is do you smell actual combustion; Or is the smell the oils from manufacturing that will burn off after a few hours? All new RV's will stink for a few hours when the propane appliances are first fired up. If you think the water heater is bad, wait until you turn on the furnace. That will stink enough to drive you out of the trailer.
When mine was new I opened all the windows and turned the thermostat all the way high and let the furnace run for a few hours. The smell was bad, but it dissipated and never came back.
Jul-01-2019 05:39 PM
Jun-30-2019 06:30 PM
Jun-29-2019 08:43 AM
RV daytrader wrote:
CO2 is odorless....you may be smelling something, but its not CO2.
CO is actually colorless, tasteless, AND odorless. Because it cannot be noticed without a detector or meter, CO has earned the dubious name of “silent killer.” When folks call and say they can “smell carbon monoxide,” they are usually referring to other combustion byproducts that the human nose can detect.
Jun-29-2019 08:39 AM
Jun-28-2019 05:58 PM
Jun-28-2019 05:49 PM
vermilye wrote:
It could actually be CO setting off the alarm. I had the same problem when wind was blowing against the side of the trailer where the water heater was located. There was a small opening around the propane connection and the wiring going into the trailer. Sealed it with duct seal and the problem went away.