Feb-23-2022 05:48 PM
May-15-2022 01:44 PM
May-12-2022 05:41 PM
May-11-2022 10:33 PM
mkirsch wrote:
So right off the bat, it seems you have a misconception that a truck camper means you need a DRW truck. Yet you also seem to be looking for a basic camper which would naturally be lighter in weight, and not requiring a DRW truck, even for "safety."
A DRW truck is not the best choice to be exploring the Alaskan wilderness. An SRW truck's rear wheels follow in the same track as the front wheels, making traveling through deep snow and mud much easier. Each tire on a DRW cuts its own rut, so six ruts vs. two. Takes a lot more power and effort to charge through tough going, if you can make it at all. My DRW is helpless in deep snow, and it's a 4x4 with aggressive tires. Once the rear wheels hit deep snow, it stops. I can back right out, but the front end won't pull the whole truck through.
Ultimately what's "best" is entirely up to you. Everyone has their own idea of "best."
May-07-2022 07:03 PM
Mar-05-2022 06:22 AM
notsobigjoe wrote:
Can I ask the stupidest question in the world? What do the animals do when it's that cold?
Mar-05-2022 04:59 AM
Mar-04-2022 07:02 PM
free radical wrote:
Im surprised no camper manufacturer offers diesel heater such as Webasto or Espar.
Mar-04-2022 06:38 PM
theoldwizard1 wrote:
I don't think you will find camper that will keep you warm when the temps are below -20°F and the wind is blowing, even with a furnace. Propane turns to 100% liquid around -40°F so it will not burn.
Mar-04-2022 05:13 PM
Mar-04-2022 01:19 PM
notsobigjoe wrote:
Can I ask the stupidest question in the world? What do the animals do when it's that cold?
Mar-04-2022 12:58 PM
Wheeldog wrote:
I don't think a truck camper is the best thing for staying out in the extreme cold. You also shouldn't be out wandering around in -60F temps. One winter I worked on the ice roads up on the slope. They shut us down when it got past -30. A lot had to do it was too rough on the equipment. Steel gets brittle at real cold temps and starts breaking. We also let the equipment run 24/7. When we did have to turn things off during a phase 3 storm it took days getting everything running using Herman Nelson Heaters. Keep in mind during a phase 3 snow will pack everything solid full of snow. You have to shut your rig off as the engine will suck snow in it and will do damage. It takes a while to clean it all out.
We drive our pickup camper down to America in November and back in March. Don't think you can carry enough propane to stay out any amount of time in a camper. This year when we came down it was a little below zero. We kept the heater running while driving so our stuff wouldn't freeze (the camper was winterized). A tank of propane would only last 2 days. We used a Big Buddy heater when we stopped.
As someone mentioned propane doesn't work at -40........well unless you pour some gas on it and set the tank on fire. Used to do that to start my pickup when I would get back to the trail head after a trip in the back country. We used to use a couple sections of 4" stove pipe with an elbow at the end pointed at the oil pan and put a weed burner in the other end to heat up the engine so it would start. How do you plan on getting you vehicle started if you have to shut it down? What is the coldest you have started it after it sat for a while without plugging it in?
If you are serious about camping in those extremes get yourself an Arctic Oven Tent with a wood stove. You can stoke that stove to drive you out of it at -30. The add says -60, but....... I know when you get you far enough north there is no wood. We got a couple cases of those fire logs like you see in the grocery store. Doesn't take much to heat one of those tents.
Get yourself a Wiggy's Antarctic Sleeping bag and a reindeer hide for a sleeping pad. Nobody makes anything warmer to sleep in that I know of. I carry one when we head south.
Just keep in mind if you get caught in a storm, you better be able to take care of yourself, cause it could be days before someone is able to help you out.
Mar-04-2022 11:30 AM
Mar-03-2022 09:15 PM
Feb-24-2022 02:16 PM