May-17-2021 08:03 AM
Jun-24-2021 04:35 PM
Jun-13-2021 12:52 AM
May-19-2021 09:44 AM
valhalla360 wrote:specta wrote:
The east coast has the worst water in the country and Utah has some of the if not the best water. I was told that in a class I attended when I had a water license and managed a small water company.
That makes no sense as water quality is highly variable depending on source and treatment.
Also most of what people think of as water quality is taste not safety.
May-18-2021 07:56 PM
Camper_Jeff_&_Kelli wrote:
Does anybody really know how much "Stuff" actually grows in an RV fresh water tank? Typically, it's full of or has water in it and is somewhat sealed from the outside. It's always dark in it's compartment which to algae means no light to produce food and grow. There are trace amounts of nutrients for stuff to grow from. The RV fresh water tank is really an inhospitable place for life.
May-18-2021 02:10 PM
specta wrote:
The east coast has the worst water in the country and Utah has some of the if not the best water. I was told that in a class I attended when I had a water license and managed a small water company.
May-18-2021 02:08 PM
jimh425 wrote:
I don’t know how much grows in one, but I can see my tank if I open the front. It always seems really clear. I do drain the tank for winter though.
May-18-2021 12:31 PM
May-18-2021 12:03 PM
May-18-2021 12:00 PM
rlw999 wrote:Camper_Jeff_&_Kelli wrote:
Does anybody really know how much "Stuff" actually grows in an RV fresh water tank? Typically, it's full of or has water in it and is somewhat sealed from the outside. It's always dark in it's compartment which to algae means no light to produce food and grow. There are trace amounts of nutrients for stuff to grow from. The RV fresh water tank is really an inhospitable place for life.
I'd guess that airplane freshwater tanks have a similar environment - tanks are sealed and dark, are refilled frequently, and get plenty of agitation. a new study shows it's not just the tray table or seat-back pocket that could be harboring germs and bacteria. The tap water on both major and regional U.S. carriers was found to be contaminated with varying levels of E. coli and coliform, according to the newly released 2019 Airline Water Study conducted by and Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center.
May-18-2021 11:51 AM
valhalla360 wrote:
I'm glad that I'm not paranoid.
Maybe if I was drawing water from a stagnant pond but really as long as the water is turning over fairly often, it goes thru a filter before going in the tank. I've got bigger things to worry about than building a rube goldberg vinegar still out of an RV.
If we haven't used the RV for a month or more or the taste has gone off, I might consider consider running a little bleach thru the system and then flushing it out. If you are ever on city water, you will get some chlorine flavor anyway. We usually keep a pitcher for drinking water in the fridge so the chlorine flavor mostly evaporates anyway before we drink it.
May-18-2021 11:46 AM
Camper_Jeff_&_Kelli wrote:
Does anybody really know how much "Stuff" actually grows in an RV fresh water tank? Typically, it's full of or has water in it and is somewhat sealed from the outside. It's always dark in it's compartment which to algae means no light to produce food and grow. There are trace amounts of nutrients for stuff to grow from. The RV fresh water tank is really an inhospitable place for life.
But a new study shows it's not just the tray table or seat-back pocket that could be harboring germs and bacteria. The tap water on both major and regional U.S. carriers was found to be contaminated with varying levels of E. coli and coliform, according to the newly released 2019 Airline Water Study conducted by and Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center.
May-18-2021 11:39 AM
JimK-NY wrote:Camper_Jeff_&_Kelli wrote:
The "Dufas" is happy with the results. No smell, no taste, just good clean drinkable water coming out of the TC water system. ....
The concern is that the water treatment does not give "good clean drinkable water". Not with a strong possibility of bacteria and mold still remaining in the system.
If you are determined to avoid household chlorine bleach, then Purogene is a good alternative. It is still chlorine based and just as effective. You also need to rinse it out of the system as you would with household bleach. The MSDS reads pretty much like you will find for bleach:
Harmful if swallowed
Avoid Breathing vapor or spray mist
Causes moderate eye irritation
Remove contaminated clothing and wash clothing before reuse
Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling
Handlers applying chlorine dioxide must wear gloves
This pesticide is toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates"
May-18-2021 08:22 AM
May-18-2021 04:28 AM
Camper_Jeff_&_Kelli wrote:
The "Dufas" is happy with the results. No smell, no taste, just good clean drinkable water coming out of the TC water system. ....