Jan-28-2014 04:31 AM
God made a few good heads, the rest he put hair on.
Feb-01-2014 10:33 AM
Firstep1 wrote:
According to a local who lives on sidewinder not far from the site says it is a mystery to him also. He says that he has seen people working at the site but has not talked to them. The land that was for sale is not for sale any longer and the owner also has no idea also (or so he says) but he states who ever it is the are not harming anything so let them be.
Jan-30-2014 09:28 AM
God made a few good heads, the rest he put hair on.
Jan-30-2014 08:02 AM
Jan-29-2014 09:41 PM
Jan-29-2014 06:13 PM
Jan-29-2014 09:51 AM
Jan-29-2014 03:55 AM
Jan-28-2014 08:41 AM
Jan-28-2014 06:59 AM
Firstep1 wrote:
I need some help on identifying a spot on Sidewinder Road that is west of Yuma, AZ in California. The spot that I am referring to is about 2 or 3 miles north of Interstate 8 & on the Left hand side. It consists of a series of circles and paths leading to a monument with a small statue on top as well four or five similar statues on the outer edges. I have checked around but come up empty on what it is. So anyone out there that can fill in the blanks for me I say thank you. Fred
Jan-28-2014 06:48 AM