Oct-19-2013 11:43 PM
Oct-21-2013 08:53 AM
Taco wrote:
If you have an 8 ft bed build a carrier to carry one over top of the bed rails. Then any bumper pull toyhauler will work.
Oct-20-2013 05:17 PM
Oct-20-2013 12:13 PM
Oct-20-2013 11:40 AM
Oct-20-2013 10:27 AM
Oct-20-2013 01:37 AM
Golden_HVAC wrote:
Just trying to get the concept of putting a 18' long Polaris into a pickup truck bed. Maybe with a long wheelbase F-450 it would not be a propblem, but the regular pickups might not be able to handle the weight as well as the trailer hitch, and still have some weight over the front axle.
Have you seen the F-550's that U-Haul uses to transfer trailers from one location to another? They have ramps going over a toolbox body, and can store 2-3 smaller pull type trailers on those ramps, winching them into place above the cab and back end of the truck.
I did see one cabover truck that carried a VW bus camper van, and towed a Airstream trailer behind it. Full timers who wanted to tow a Airstream, but also have a smaller toad and be able to camp in it as well. I think a E-350 based camper van would have been able to tow the Airstream, and avoid the messing with the VW camper altogether.
Had you given any thought to a motorhome towing a longer trailer? Perhaps able to stack the Polaris on on top of the other, or somehow sandwich them into a trailer?
Or perhaps a fifth wheel towing a small cargo trailer with the second Polaris on it. It would require a commercial license but that is easy enough to get.
Oct-20-2013 12:43 AM
Porsche or Country Coach!
If there's a WILL, I want to be in it!