Jul-03-2013 09:11 AM
Nov-24-2013 01:03 PM
Nov-24-2013 06:44 AM
Nov-17-2013 03:16 AM
Jul-25-2013 12:43 PM
MaxspeedGSX1300R wrote:
LOL Lincster you got me there, no sand driving ever for me.
Jul-25-2013 12:40 PM
Jul-25-2013 07:11 AM
MaxspeedGSX1300R wrote:
Something like this .... I can tow what ever I want
Jul-25-2013 03:27 AM
Jul-24-2013 12:29 PM
Jul-23-2013 08:48 AM
Ric Flair wrote:
It's not an ecoboost but he did eat Mexican food last night.
Jul-22-2013 11:38 AM
Jul-21-2013 10:36 AM
Jul-21-2013 07:01 AM
steiny93 wrote:
i'm all about getting a big truck (as you can see in my sig)
but at 11k of trailer the 3/4 diesel is a lot of overkill
i'm very surprised to hear you are having issues with a 1/2 ton and that weight
my daily is a gaser and if I only had 11k of rv to pull I wouldn't be in a diesel
Jul-21-2013 06:52 AM
64thunderbolt wrote:musclecarsKC wrote:
linster and 64thunderbolt. Thank you for your insight. linster, I you are right. We might have to go the route of 64thunderbolt for a while until we find what we really want. Looking a F550's would love a Topkick or Kodiac but haven't found any around this area to check out.
My truck tows very well. Some new ones will do better but mine has been paid for since the day I bought it.
If you go the 550 or the others you mentioned will the drivetrain keep up with the added wgt? An F450 would do just fine. A friend has an F450 with 4.88's and won't break any speed records but doesn't know what a hill is. It's a 6.4 with a 200 hp tow tune.
Jul-21-2013 06:20 AM
F-450, modified, but with 4:88 gears, forget any good mileage...but going down the road in style...and quite safely!!!!! Bigger brakes, etc. etc. Buy what you can afford. Do you have a sway bar setup currently?? Equalizer??? Good luck and have fun looking:))))