Sep-06-2015 03:31 PM
Sep-13-2015 03:45 PM
Sep-13-2015 03:17 PM
wa8yxm wrote:I'm not sure exactly what you are saying here, but this could definitely be vapor lock. Unfortunately, I have too much experience with vapor lock on my old coach and the symptoms he describes could be a result of vapor lock. I'm not saying it is, however.
...Vapor lock happens with the fuel pump is pumping vapor only, no gas, this requires several things. One is heat and another is no fresh (cool) gasoline entering chamber to cool it.
THIS can only happen if the pump is engine mounted (Electric pumps mounted at a distance tend not to vapor lock,, in tank pumps (not applicable here) DO NOT Vapor lock, ever) and the motor off so not drawing gas.. once it is running vapor lock is out of the question...
Sep-13-2015 01:42 PM
Sep-13-2015 06:17 AM
Sep-08-2015 11:29 AM
Sep-07-2015 03:58 PM
Sep-06-2015 07:14 PM
esyers wrote:yea, I was wondering that myself. Just went out and started fine. Everything else has been fixed or rebuilt.
My 5500 started acting the same way. Turned out to be the fuel pump. New pump and no problems since.
Sep-06-2015 05:27 PM
Sep-06-2015 05:03 PM
USAF Retired
Pace Arrow
Sep-06-2015 04:22 PM
Deano56 wrote:If it's running out of gas how does it start up again and run fine for a whileenblethen wrote:I will check hoses in morning, i will tell you this I just started up and it was racing pretty high which I didn't think it could with the governor set for 1800, or am I missing something thinking that?
Doubtful on vapor lock. I would start by checking all the rubber hoses for cracks especially around connectors. It could be sucking air causing it to basically run out of fuel.
Sep-06-2015 04:20 PM
enblethen wrote:I will check hoses in morning, i will tell you this I just started up and it was racing pretty high which I didn't think it could with the governor set for 1800, or am I missing something thinking that?
Doubtful on vapor lock. I would start by checking all the rubber hoses for cracks especially around connectors. It could be sucking air causing it to basically run out of fuel.
Sep-06-2015 04:17 PM
Big Katuna wrote:Onan Emerald III 6500, first thing I checked was oil level and was full
What kind of genset? Check engine oil level?
Sep-06-2015 04:00 PM
Sep-06-2015 03:47 PM
USAF Retired
Pace Arrow